I have a lot of spam users signing up to use my website. I’ve played with using the personal list to create an IP blacklist but not sure it’s working very well.
What is the recommended and best way to stop access via IP or email account? When I check general spam stats for the website, it’s showing mostly approved or blocked contact form activity but not user activity.
Please advise and happy to provide more detail or info as needed.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I have problem with admin user who is inactive, but I can not remove him. I tried to remove him in wp-admin and with phpMyAdmin (to delete the user directli in database table).
This user just recreates himself (with new ID) after deleting.
I have no clue, how he does it.
Do You have any ideas?
Thank You.
]]>I’d really like an option to prevent the daily spam user registrations I am getting.
Just to be able to block user registering with @yandex.com email addresses would already improve my life so much -_-
We’re already using jetpack, ithemes security, etc but those spam registrations keep coming. Anyone found a solution for this?
members/users search result count include spam users, see this image
When mark a user as spam, he should not show on search and should see “nothing found”.
after diagnosis I found it related to BuddyPress custom Profile Fields (no problem with default fields (Username, Display Name and Email)
I’m a developer and I added the fix to a client site, just to make sure it will exist in your next version :
– File : buddypress-global-search/includes/search-types/class.BBoss_Global_Search_Members.php
– Fix on line number 77 ($WHERE[] = "1=1";
) changed to :
$WHERE[] = "1=1 AND " . bp_core_get_status_sql( 'u.' );
]]>Well that was before 2.8!
Now WordPress gives me the error:
You can’t give users that role.
Has this “feature” been disabled?
Or is it a bug?
Thanks for any help you can give