First things first: nice plugin!
I tried to find solution through the forum but finally I found some related topics but not clear for me.
I have some trouble similar to topic “”
>> If I try looking for word that really is inside the title of the best of my products, but smart search never show this product in result box… It’s a pity because is the most demanded and people can’t find it in your fantastic searach box …
Some questions if you could answer.
1) What criteria uses Smart search to follow the results? I found your this answer in other topic saying: “title” and “relevance” , Ok What do you mean with relevance?
2) In this other topic you talked about include some option for manage the relevance of the product/post results, eg:price, or any number … Do you dismissed this feature finally?
It could be fantastic to have some kind of field in the product page in order to manage the relevance for each product. EG: Woocommerce has the field configuration called “menu order” to sort products in listing results, some similar for example could be perfect.
Bye and thanks in advance!
]]>When the results are displayed there are two problems:
The heading above the Players’ names is “Team”, not “Players”, and the results are always sorted alphabetically according to the Players’ names, regardless of the Stableford Points or the sequence of entered results. I need this sorted by Stableford Points descending.
]]>I would like to allow my users sorting rows in every single columns from highest number to lowest.
But after activating sorting feature in TablePress options, first click on header row sort my results from lowest to higherst.
My question is: is it possible to stay only with sorting from higherst to lowest ?
I enclose image to clarify.