One can see that in the public Nudgital Notes page that is still running Zotpress 7.3.10 that the following shortcode is operational, but on updating to Zotpress 7.3.14 it just generates an endless spinning gear, despite clearing cache. Changing the sortby parameter to just “date” makes it operational. Changing any of the other shortcode parameters has no effect. Resetting Zotero has no effect.
[zotpress style="" abstracts="yes" target="new" sortby="dateAdded" order="desc"]
]]>Here’s an example of the shortcode that works:
[events_list scope="2024-05-01,2024-05-31" limit="0" orderby="event_start_date,event_name"]#_EVENTLINK[/events_list]
Here’s an example of the shortcode that returns “no events found”:
[events_list scope="2024-05-01,2024-05-31" limit="0" orderby="event_start_date,event_name,facilitators"]#_EVENTLINK[/events_list]
]]>I have a web shop (OceanWP theme) that has default sorting set to price ascending. When I enter the shop, prices are randomly set without any order. If I change the sorting on front-end, it works normally. If I set other default sorting (alphabetically, latest etc.) it works normally. I tried to fix it by setting the default order via PHP snippet, adding custom ordering and restoring product data lookup table through “WooCommerce -> Status -> Tools”. None of that worked. I even checked the lookup table manually through phpmyadmin and sorted it by min_price and by max_price and everything is fine.
I’m pretty sure that for whatever reason, it just doesn’t work.
If anyone ever had similar issue I’d be thankful to them.
]]>thanks for your great work on the plugin!
I would like to use title=”year” to create subheadings, but currently it seems only possible to display years ascendingly (i.e. oldest first). Would it be possible to add an option “year-descending” or similar?
class="um um-directory um-44b1b"
data-hash="44b1b" data-base-post="2"
data-must-search="0" data-searched="1"
data-view_type="list" data-page="1"
But when i reload the page, it’s always the same user …
If anyone as an idea about that ??? Thank’s
I have tested and tried over and over and searched throughout this forum and google and my only conclusion is a faults with this plug-in:
My goals is to sort my posts by a custom column (the post views) which are already counting in the back end and a custom field within each post
The issues is not about the counting but that this plug-in fails to understand the sort by custom field as its deffo not sorting correctly at all. I tested this with a different elementor post grid and it worked perfectly using my back end field.
Please help, it’s essential I use this plug-in as I have a custom skin attached.
]]>thank you for your help,
Best regards, Rikke
[display-posts image_size=”thumbnail” include_content=”false” include_excerpt=”true” excerpt_length=”75″ excerpt_more=”L?s mer…” excerpt_more_link=”true” display-posts wrapper=”div” orderby=”date” order=”DESC”]
]]>I am trying to remove the ‘Sort by’ dropdown on a Woocommerce Shop page
I am using this code in my functions.php
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering', 30 );
However, it doesn’t seem to work for me? I have the dropdown hidden in CSS currently but I’d prefer if it wasn’t there at all rather than it being there but hidden.