I searched for answers and can’t find this specific use-case. thank you.
]]>I installed your helper plugin that makes it possible to sort a column based on views. I get warning messages in php 8+ on posts page:
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /…/wp-content/plugins/wpp-sortable-columns.php?on line?87
Would it be possible to get a tiny update on this?
One suggestion: It would be great if I could add reusable blocks into it.
Thanks again!
]]>I made a first quick design for my website, the purpose is not a shop. It’s just a filterable, sortable, list of items (here it’s about cars).
But i would like to know if your plug-in can do that, so we could tag each car with some unique tags (including a database). So we could find quickly cars with the filters.
Here an exemple of a website doing that : https://ni9r6d.csb.app/
Thank you so much for your help
Here a pics of my designed page : https://ibb.co/VJx0Ptw
+-->General (Tab)
| +-->Sections & fields
+-->Forms (Tab)
| +-->Form 1 (Collapsible Section)
| | +-->Field 1 (Sortable Collapsible Section)
| | | +-->Field 1 Attribute 1 (checkbox)
| | | +-->Field 1 Attribute 2 (text)
| | | +-->more fields
| | +-->Field 2 (Sortable Collapsible Section)
| | | +-->Field 2 Attribute 1 (radio)
| | | +-->Field 2 Attribute 2 (checkbox)
| | | +-->Field 2 Attribute 3 (text)
| | | +-->more field
| | +-->Field 3 (Sortable Collapsible Section)
| | | +-->more fields
+-->Notifications (Tab)
The Forms tab is the one of interest. Hopefully you get the idea. Can this be done with AdminPageFramework? How would I go about making it happen?
Thanks in advance so much.
]]>jetzt würde ich diese gern per funktion einfügen, wei? aber nicht den “namen” damit es wie folgt funktioniert:
add_filter( 'manage_edit-woocommerce_gzd_shipment_columns', 'add_custom_shipment_column' );
function add_custom_shipment_column( $columns ) {
$columns['kw'] = __('KW', 'woocommerce');
return $columns;
“woocommerce_gzd_shipment_columns” stimmt aber nicht, wie komme ich an die tabelle ran um die spalte einzufügen und dann ebenso eine filter und sortiert funktion zu implementieren?
danke und vg
]]>First of all, congratulations on this awesome plugin!
I created a filterable and sortable photo gallery and I installed Lightbox with PhotoSwipe to manage image enlargements.
I encountered a problem while browsing the images: for example, I am on “ALL” the photos, I open an image on the lightbox, I go out and select another category and as soon as I click on any photo it opens the photo I saw when I was on “ALL” photos. It’s like keeping the last photo visited in cache.
I am sending you the link of the page with a basic wordpress installation and a default theme.
I hope you can help me, I intend to buy the PRO version but I would like to be sure that the problems encountered cannot depend on the free version of the plugin.
Thank you so much