]]>I would need a bit of help with a tiny project.
I have a WordPress based website running under the address:
Everything works great thanks to WordPress hard working team.
My page normally looks more less like this:
I have prepared semi transparent graphic which looks like this:
Now my goal would be this:
User clicks on a link to my site (or types it in – makes no diff)
and His / Her browser is presented with something like this:
User must click on the graphics to be allowed to view my site and in the same time in the second tab another page opens (not malicious of course – just a simple link to a youtube video or article about sopa / pipa / acta)
How would one achieve such a goal? I bet it’s possible…
I am not afraid of editing the WordPress files and a adding something that will cause it but I have NO idea where to add what.
Thank You in advance for Your help.
[No bumping, thank you.]
]]>More and more governments from east and west are trying to censor the Internet. For different reasons the governments of countries like Iran, the USA, Syria, The Netherlands and China seek ways to block websites of the web and limit free speech. This plug-in will enable you to get those websites online again for you, your friends and the rest of the world without any hassle. Your website will become a proxy for the blocked website, rerouting any traffic from a user, through your website to the blocked site.
We believe in an Open Web and gladly make it possible for everyone to defend their human right to the free flow of information. By installing this plug-in you are doing your part to keep the Web Open.
This plugin was made in response to the ongoing limitation of the Open Web. In the dawn of 2012 we found ourselves confronted with a court-ruling blocking the in the Netherlands. On the other side of the ocean new laws are being discussed to curtail web-freedom even further. SOPA and PIPA are set to defend the interests of the Entertainment industry, but will mainly cause grave and undeniable damage to the Open and Free web and all of it’s users: from the end-consumer to the cutting edge developers and inventors. In the same time countries like Iran, Syria, North-Korea and so on are using the same techniques to censor free speech to maintain their iron grip on power. Our aim is to make all of this impossible.
The web knows many ways to circumvent blockades and censorship. Some argue that these court-rulings and new laws will never have any effect because of all these tricks to by-pass them. This might be true, but in general only holds for the more tech-savvy among us. And in either case it doesn’t make these rulings and laws less bad.
Our plugin still requires some technical skills to employ, but next to none to use. Any WordPress powered website with this plug-in will immediately start functioning as a proxy for the censored websites. Thus opening them again for the big audience.
The plug-in will soon be available through the WP repository.
Until then you can get it from here:
Feedback is highly appreciated.
]]>I installed the Go Dark Plugin yesterday, to support the fight against SOPA/PIPA.
Now I’m trying to deactivate the plugin so I can give my users full access again. But the dark page won’t go away.
Even when I delete the plugin, the page is still there, without the images.
Is it possible that the Go Dark Plugin adds some kind of code to my header, that I’m unaware of? Or does it redirect my website in any way?
Does anyone have this problem too, or, do you know how to get rid of it?
Thank you in advance,
]]>Any idea?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-admin/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/plugins/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/plugins/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech/social_blogsite_web_design.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/plugins/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech/social_blogsite_web_design.html
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/plugins/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech/social_blogsite_web_design.jpg
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/plugins/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech/uninstall.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/social_downloads/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/robots.txt
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /wp-content/plugins/sopa-blackout-for-right-to-speech/social_blogsite_web_design.html [R=503,L]
]]>She’s at now. But it’s quite ironic that you complain about censorship. when you tried to do it someone yourself.
just saying.
when you bring her back, no questions asked, then you can complain until then, you’re a bunch of hypocrites
*Ton of choice to setup how you want to protest, or even keep it up all month long so that your visitors are served info on sopa the first time, and not after they click continue to the page they are going too.
And there are many more plugins that do this, please please join in the protest, call your reps and help us kill this bill!
Thanks, Ben
]]>I’ve created plugin “Stop SOPA” When I try to search the plugin on this page using keyword “SOPA”, my plugin is not in search results.
Anyway, I would like to black out my WP site as well and put up a message indicating why. Wondering if there’s an easy way to do this with a WP site (plugin?) The one way I’ve thought of so far is to upload a “.maintenance” file with the HTML in it, but I figured I’d ask you experts if there’s a smarter/better way.
]]> (watch video)
many video game-related sites and larger sites, like reddit, are planning on doing an internet blackout next week, january 18th. what the plugin would entail is 12 hours of websites not showing their regular content but linking instead to information about SOPA and how it is harmful to the internet as we know it. i think a lot of wordpress bloggers would potentially be affected by this.
i imagine many more people would be into doing a SOPA blackout if it was made easier, and i’m hoping someone will take a couple hours to help develop a plugin for wordpress. this plugin — — forces non-registered users to login before they can reach the site. i imagine something similar can be used as a blackout (but obviously not allowing people to login)?
if anyone can help it would be muuuch appreciated. i will check back here or feel free to write me at [email protected] — running out of ideas and time! the bill goes to be voted on on january 24th.
thank you very much.