For aboutu a month or so I have been unable to access the analytics that I previously used frequently. I only get a “Oops, something went wrong” page with error details. Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!
Thank you for your plugin, I entered API signatures or credentials from two different Paypal Accounts and I made two payment tests and I received twice the following message:
“This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant’s account is not able to process transactions.
(Transaction Error) something is wrong.”
I noticed this error after a customer tried to purchase a product on my site.. so, I called Paypal and they said that there is no problem or limitations in my Paypal accounts.. What do you think that could be the problem? I was using stripe for receiving credit card payments, but I wanted to use your plugin with Paypal for credit / debit card transactions.. unfortunately I don’t think this could be possible..
Thank you for your help,
]]>Please help!
Any ideas? (Using the Enfold theme, which we’ve used on a number of WC sites with PP, no problem.)
2023-08-22T14:18:23+00:00 DEBUG GET Response Debug ID: d095f8083e415 Response: Array ( => 200 [message] => OK )
2023-08-22T14:18:23+00:00 DEBUG GET Response Debug ID: a0b662f1d6d52 Response: Array ( => 200 [message] => OK )
2023-08-22T14:18:28+00:00 DEBUG GET Response Debug ID: 6444abf46c41a Response: Array ( => 200 [message] => OK ) 2023-08-22T14:18:29+00:00 DEBUG GET Response Debug ID: 0984ff0cc54ae Response: Array ( => 200 [message] => OK )
Please investigate. I cn send a short video if you wish.
“message”: “c() is not a function”,
“stack”: “g/</<@\ng/<@\nBr@\n53/t.unstable_runWithPriority@\nUM@\nTr@\n4448/kr/<@\nX@\n53/m.port1.onmessage@\n”
Que dois-je faire ?
]]>I’m getting the “Something went wrong” error.
Can someone tell me what is the issue?
]]>We have vaulting enabled due to our subscription model, but your plugin is the only PayPal plugin on the site, so their shouldn’t be any conflicts. Do you have any idea what might be causing this? Thanks.