]]>Is there any plugin through which I can build a cool instant chat system among my logged in visitors
Thanking You in advance.
]]>And their customer service is awesome and beyond professional, plus CARES!! That matters.
]]>If you are looking for a great Social Network plugin for your WordPress site, look no further. From the design of the plugin itself to the constant updates that make it even better. And did I mention the excellent support?
I will be renewing my subscription and I look forward to the new updates as they come. Love the PeepSo team!
]]>Awesome user (and admin) experience so far. The system feels so lightweight and everything is very responsive. Hope you guys stick around in this cutthroat plugin landscape!
]]>Can this be done with adsense (and any other types of ads)?
]]>My wife and I are planning what is probably our most ambitious website build to date. Also, while I’ve been using WordPress to build sites since it was first released, I’ve been away a few years raising my daughter and boy have things changed.
I’m looking for advice from other WordPress admins and developers on the best direction to head down for a site that needs the following:
1. Paid membership with dripped content and multiple levels AND reasonable prices.
2. Video protection to keep the video tutorials for members only.
3. A forum, nothing fancy needed here.
4. All the social networking capabilities we can get our hands on.
These last two may not be necessary but we’d like to look into them and if it’s not too much of a hassle to integrate, and not overpriced for what will likely remain a small website with only ever a few hundred members at most, then we’d like to get them.
5. Event registration for free events. The capability for paid events would be nice but is not necessary at this time.
6. Courseware. Something simple. A way to provide lessons and simple quizzes and keep track of scoring for the user.
It’s a lot, I know. We’d be happy to start with the first four though.
And, it all seems to hinge on choosing the right membership plugin.
I was leaning towards s2Member, Amazon s3 for video and Buddypress.
However, I fell for that superhero marketing and just signed up to WPMU DEV. I have to say, you can’t market like that and then under-deliver! It’s a huge disappointment. The plugins aren’t’ really set up to work together. And, the support staff has some kind of weird attitude where they pretend they’re still amazing while failing, which could be seen as cute, if they were mostly knowledgeable, or helpful. I haven’t had that impression.
And, then I looked up reviews on them, like I should have done first, and boy did I find some terrible allegations about them. We definitely need another solution.
Thanks to all who read this. Thank you more if you replied. Kisses and Hugs if you’re the real deal and you tell me what you’d do in this situation.