On top of this, Elementor claims it supports Font Awesome, which in 2020, announced its plans to release version 6, with several alphas and betas, and rolling out the full release in February 2022. I sent a support ticket to Elementor, inquiring as to its intentions to support version 6, and received a rather snippy reply that it had just been released, and that they would support it, but needed time. Meanwhile, several users have posted on Elementor’s Github feature requests page, asking for this, going largely ignored by this company and its developers. As of my writing this — 18 months later, the company has failed to make this change. Users have shared workarounds with each other, such as uploading SVGs directly (which is what I did), but when Elementor supported previous versions of Font Awesome natively — and still claim this as a feature — particularly for one of the web’s most popular font libraries, this is a prime example of how unresponsive this company has become, particularly for customers paying a subscription fee.
While Elementor stagnated, both WordPress itself, as well as its greater development community, continued to innovate with its own newer block and layout platform, and at this point, I have converted my site to those blocks, using some third party plugins that add additional functionality. I am enjoying it more than I ever did Elementor, and it is far faster in performance than Elementor was. This is what motivated me to write this review. I feel like time and money was wasted with Elementor, so I wanted to offer this experience to other users considering this substandard product.
]]>Since the release SGO V7.0, our website “feels” sluggish. Our website’s Clouflare caching level (% cached) has dropped and/or does not cache our website as fast as it used to.
We performed some tests*, and it appears the culprits are:
(1) Plugin is now available to sites not hosted by SG.
(2) Introduction of your new caching feature: File Based Caching (FBC).
* Testing included deactivating FBC.
Any possible explanations (or fix) for the above condition?
Also, can you point us towards your documentation explaining better your FBC feature? You answers to the following questions will help until it’s updated:
(1) Is FBC compatible with other major caching plugins?
(2) Is FBC compatible with Cloudflare and SGO Full Page Caching?
(3) Do we need to deactivate FBC before we clear our theme’s cache? (a good example is the Avada theme, which has its own caching function)
Thank you!
]]>I’ve located the themes as the source of the problem. I’m currently using a third party theme, which I’ve been using for over a year without issue. Once I activate a default WP theme (twenty twelve, twenty fifteen, etc) everything goes back to normal. Speeds are perfect. It’s only when I activate a third party theme that it all screws up again. I’ve checked and my theme is updated.
I don’t know if this is an isolated problem but no one else seems to be experiencing it. And it only occurred after my WordPress automatically updated to 5.3.2. I didn’t add anything new, change any settings, etc. I woke up one morning and I couldn’t access my site.
Help is needed ASAP. Thanks! Also I’m not tech/programming/coding savvy.
]]>After setting everything up in a staging server and deactivating plugins one-by-one, I was able to find that if I deactivated my Yoast Plugin (which is up-to-date) the issue went away. It’s only when my Yoast SEO plugin is active that I have the issues and I’ve tested it several times.
Any ideas what could be causing this? I use the YoastSEO plugin on many sites with no issues.
Thanks for your support as always