“Use Google Fonts right inside the Editor Widget with SiteOrigin Premium.”
Is a message at the top of the screen and I am wondering if i have to purchase the SiteOrigin Premium to now be able to edit this plugin?
I’d rather not have to hard code everything, so any help would be much appreciated.
Robert Brown
]]>Or do I have to enter it manually into the coding?
]]>I have the following issue: when I activate the HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter, nothing happens to the SiteOrigin Editor which I use in the Gutenberg editor and neither if I use it in the classical editor. Only the classical text editor works.
Is it a known problem or is it only on my side ?
Thank you in advance for your help !
P.S.: Also some features disappear from Gutenberg, such as the TinyMCE.
]]>When adding paragraphs in of content in Text Mode, then switch to Visual Mode, all of the text minifies, even though the “Automatically Add Paragraphs” function is checked.
For example, copy the following 3 paragraphs of text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mattis turpis id nisi feugiat vulputate. Mauris nulla tellus, fringilla sed maximus in, cursus ac nisl. Sed quis suscipit neque. In orci elit, blandit ut justo et, vestibulum fringilla lorem. Duis vitae dui lorem. Nunc posuere diam augue, nec faucibus leo placerat sed. Suspendisse nec molestie arcu, id dapibus purus. Donec mollis quam id ligula lacinia convallis. Duis vulputate mi tincidunt pretium lacinia. Donec luctus sem in massa ornare, quis scelerisque lorem sagittis. Sed tincidunt blandit sollicitudin. Curabitur a felis ultricies, vehicula mauris a, ornare nunc. Integer eget viverra magna.
Phasellus non ex id nisi mollis volutpat. Curabitur orci risus, convallis vel feugiat eu, eleifend quis velit. Sed eu turpis eget nisl convallis elementum. Etiam elementum est sed eros venenatis porta. Sed scelerisque et urna at pharetra. Nunc placerat tincidunt elit, non cursus elit consectetur nec. Maecenas elementum dictum ligula eget dignissim. Mauris eu elit id est rutrum elementum. Nam commodo nulla in iaculis hendrerit. Pellentesque sollicitudin lorem quis ante tempor, nec feugiat elit porttitor. Praesent aliquet egestas tortor sed vehicula.
Vivamus tincidunt ullamcorper ligula, vitae semper tellus fermentum consequat. Nam ligula neque, molestie gravida venenatis sit amet, ornare non quam. Aenean rutrum elit vitae leo mollis maximus. Curabitur at risus nisl. Nullam volutpat imperdiet tellus eu luctus. Donec imperdiet lacus tortor, vitae dapibus est mattis et. In rhoncus ornare elit ut aliquet. Pellentesque egestas fermentum tristique. Integer viverra blandit dapibus. Etiam cursus egestas nisi, ac tincidunt odio dictum vel.
Add it to the Text mode of a SiteOrigin Editor, switch to the visual mode. All the content will now be on a single line.
I was able to replicate this on a newly installed WordPress instance, running a default Twenty Seventeen with only Page Builder and SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle plugins activated.
]]>I’m using WP GPX plugin with SiteOrigin editor. Inside the editor I put the WP GPX tag and everything always worked fine.
After uploading to WP GPX version 1.5.02 the map is no more displayed!
Any idea?
I cannot update or modify my page. When I click edit page it stays blank. Please help
I had to deactivate Page Builder by SiteOrigin. I cannot see my media
]]>Is there a plug-in that would work? Or some simple code I could add into the Appearance> Edit CSS area?