<sitemapindex xmlns="https://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
However when running the crawler it or refreshing the map it only seem to follow the first sitemap in the index.
Is there another way to crawl a multilingual site / site with multiple sitemaps?
Side note: WPML thinks this splitting of sitemaps is a non issue since search engines will follow the langhref attributes on pages in the default language’s sitemap anyway. LiteSpeed Crawler does not seem to do this however.
]]>The generate button takes me to https://mysite.com/wp/sitemapindex.xml?generate=1&t=1463666301 – “page not found”
Returning to the settings page still says:
“It appears that no sitemap has been generated yet, click to generate your Sitemap Index”
I tried repeatedly but nothing changes.
This is all very confusing because I read that since v4 of WP there are no sitemap files and a virtual one is created when required, so why does the widget take you to file that’s not required but not being generated anyway?
]]>When I goto customdomain.com/robots.txt I see this:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Sitemap: https://example.com/sitemapindex.xml
blahblah blah
What do I need to do to show the correct sitemap/robots.txt?
]]>BWP Google XML Sitemaps Error: sitemapindex.xml does not have any item. Please make sure that you have at least one sitemap enabled in BWP Sitemaps >> XML Sitemaps >> Sitemaps to generate.
Here’s log info. At 04:19:18 it successfully generated sitemapindex.xml. Then at 06:34:45 it says that sitemapindex.xml does not have any item.
Feb 21, 2016 06:34:45 AM —sitemapindex.xml does not have any item. Please make sure that you have at least one sitemap enabled in BWP Sitemaps >> XML Sitemaps >> Sitemaps to generate.
Feb 21, 2016 04:19:18 AM —Successfully generated sitemapindex.xml using module file sitemapindex.php.
Feb 20, 2016 04:37:58 PM —Successfully generated sitemapindex.xml using module file sitemapindex.php.
Feb 20, 2016 10:59:28 AM —Successfully generated site.xml using module file site.php.
Feb 20, 2016 10:28:01 AM —Successfully generated taxonomy_post_tag.xml using module file taxonomy.php.
Feb 20, 2016 10:28:01 AM —taxonomy_post_tag.xml will be served using module file taxonomy.php.
Feb 20, 2016 10:27:59 AM —Successfully generated taxonomy_category.xml using module file taxonomy.php.
Feb 20, 2016 10:27:58 AM —taxonomy_category.xml will be served using module file taxonomy.php.
]]>I have some folders with static pages under my blog each one of them having a custom made static sitemap. I have a sitemap index in the root folder. Previously it has included both the static maps and the one generated by the plugin.
However, now the sitemap generated is a sitemap index itself. As far as I know, it is not possible to have other sitemap indexes listed in a sitemap index. Easiest way to solve this would be an option to add additional sitemaps from XML Sitemaps plugin but that is not possible (yet?).
[ Moderator note: please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]
<loc> https://www.example.com/sitemap1.xml.gz </ loc>
<loc> https://www.example.com/sitemap2.xml.gz </ loc>
]]>$gsg->AddSitemap(NAMEOFSITEMAP, null, $blogUpdate);
]]>I have another plugin that creates a large amount of custom data and outputs it through WordPress. Within that plugin, an XML sitemap is generated for each entry within that custom data. I would like to simply add a line to the sitemapindex file (or even the page.xml file if that might be easier) that points to the custom sitemap that’s being generated by that plugin.
Basically, to give you a little background; we have a custom plugin that pulls in ~400 entries from an external source, then parses that data into a format that can be output in WordPress. The plugin then combines data from within the WordPress database with the data that was pulled in from the external source, and creates a new virtual page for each entry. Those virtual pages are not stored as content entries within the WordPress database, as they can change on a daily basis (one may disappear, a new one may be added; it’s all controlled by the data that’s retrieved from the external resource).
Since all of those entries are virtual, the plugin itself generates a sitemap of all of the entries that are generated. I simply want to add a link that leads to that custom sitemap within our sitemapindex file, so I don’t have to go through all ~250 of our sites and manually submit the custom sitemap to Google.
Is it possible to simply add a new entry to the sitemapindex file without having to write an entirely new module within the API? Or will I have to write a custom module that somehow hooks into the methods that are already written to generate that custom sitemap? Thanks.