I manage WordPress sites of 5 different customers which all use the same hosting company Strato (www.strato.de). I had Site Scan enabled for all of these. In the logs of Solid Security I see that they failed mostly in the last weeks due to the rate limit exceeding.
Interestingly, even though it are 5 different customers with independent websites, in the Site Scan logs I can see the same “remote IP” address for all of them. I believe this is due to the fact, that they all use a shared hosting and to the outside of the hosting company they are visible as 1 single IP.
What options to I have to get Site Scans running again and reguarly? Am I right that the risk of accidential rate limits is high for any shared hosting provider? I mean there could even be other companies hosting their websites on a shared hosting without me even knowing it.
Kind regards.
]]>id => 96063
module => site-scanner
type => warning
code => scan-failure-client-error
timestamp => 2024-07-25 06:12:45
init_timestamp => 2024-07-25 06:12:44
remote_ip => ******
user_id => [empty string]
url => wp-cron
memory_current => 42587520
memory_peak => 42682536
data => Array
results => Object WP_Error
errors => Array
http_request_failed => Array
0 => cURL error 56: OpenSSL SSL_read: OpenSSL/3.0.14: error:0A0003FC:SSL routines::sslv3 alert bad record mac, errno 0
error_data => Array
http_request_failed => Array
url => https://www.example.com
cached => [boolean] false
How can I solve this?
]]>I have the Solid Security plugin enabled on my website and the daily scan report always returns the same issue:
“Known Vulnerabilities
WordPress Slide Anything plugin <= 2.4.9 – iFrame Injection to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability”
Is this something you guys are working on or something I shouldn’t be concerned about as I use the plugin on quite a few of my websites
]]>According to the plugin log, the scans appear to be requested but nothing gets returned. In scan results I get ‘No scan results found!’. Latest WordPress and php 8.0.
Assistance to debug this further please Thanks!
id => 4265
module => site-scanner
type => warning
code => scan-failure-client-error
timestamp => 2023-11-04 00:47:42
init_timestamp => 2023-11-04 00:47:41
remote_ip =>
user_id => 11
url => https://scwg.org/wp-json/ithemes-security/v1/site-scanner/scans?_locale=user
memory_current => 13081944
memory_peak => 13281880
data =>Array
results =>Object WP_Error
errors =>Array
site_verification_failed.connection_error =>Array
0 => Unable to determine if the scan target is allowed: Target site returned invalid response. The site scanner was forbidden from accessing your site. Please check if the IP address has been blocked.
error_data =>Array
site_verification_failed.connection_error =>Array
status =>[integer] 403
url => https://xxxxxx.xxx
cached =>[boolean] false
]]>Console errors report multiple 403s
]]>My AMP site scan keeps failing and it says my data is stale. I am attempting to get this working because my article in google news show up with a blank white page in AMP. If I navigate to the social icon and click the AMP link the page AMP loads.
]]>I keep getting a “Site scan was unsuccessful. You can trigger the site scan again on the AMP Settings page after completing the Wizard.” error and then, the second scan also fails.
There are no conflicts with any of the plugins (or at least I don’t see any).
Any advice?
I have tried multiple times to perform AMP sitescan, however it fails everytime. I followed the resolution as provided on this page, and added the code [ add_filter( ‘litespeed_comment’, ‘__return_false’ ); ] using code snippet. But the problem persists. Kindly guide.
Thank You
]]>However, the report shows http: I noticed this on another site as well. Is there something in the settings I need to change? Where is it picking up the http: ? I did a search of the database posts, and there are no instances of http:
I noticed this on another site with SSL as well.