I am trying to use the site lock with ultimate member. However I still see the site (widgets, menues, logged in users etc) as a non-logged in user but it atleast blocks the content (it shows me log in form if I press anything on the site). But I want the whole site to be locked to have one page/message saying you need to log in or register to continue. Is there any way this is possible?
I thought this was the lock site feature. I have set a custom message that I want to display before user is logged in within the settings of ultimate member -> settings -> access. And I have unticked everything there and also picked the setting “webpage accessible for login users” (loosely translated from my Swedish text).
I followed this:
Site Lock has been giving me this warning message about my platform for days:
Severity: Medium
Category: dos
Summary: WordPress <= 4.9.4 – Application Denial of Service (DoS)
Description: Unauthenticated attackers can cause a denial of service (resource consumption) by using the large list of registered .js files (from wp-includes/script-loader.php) to construct a series of requests to load every file many times.
Thanks for any help!
]]>Category: Data security
Page UrL: https://www.reazile.com/wp-login.php
Note Info:Insecure form action “https://www.reazile.com/wp-login.php” found fields ( “pwd” ) on sample pages “( https://www.reazile.com/wp-login.php )”?Description:We have detected form fields on your page that may contain sensitive information. If this information is confidential, it should not be sent via a normal http (non-secure) page, but encrypted using the https (secure) protocol. ?Action:Consider using an SSL Certificate to protect the security of this information.
]]>I am trying to put this logo on my home page but don’t know how.
In detail please, can someone help me?
This is the code; how do I use it (in detail) hold my hand……
“<img border=”0″ src=”//shield.sitelock.com/shield/vonstephenx.com” id=”sl_shield_image” style=”cursor: pointer;”/><script id=”sl_shield” src=”//shield.sitelock.com/sitelock.js” language=”javascript”></script>”