When i am creating a short url for a post its getting replaced everywhere on my site for that post.
Is it possible to create the short url just to be used outside of wordpress for sharing the post? and not actually replacing the post link on my site (ex: post link from my homepage goes to the short url then the actual post link)
thank you
]]>I have recently installed the External Links – nofollow, noopener & new window PlugIn. I don’t know if the problem has something to do with the plugin as there is a problem with the internal links on the website and not the external ones.
]]>It seems yaost meta description is only working with the site home page and for other pages the when they show up in google search as site links they pull the description from page content but not yoast meta description.
So how can i solve this issue. The site is www.theintelligentsme.com and the keyword i search with is “the intelligent sme”.
I have tried to place a sub-menu on the top bar, but this not how i want to do it.
For example, when the use clicks on shop on the main navigation, it takes them to
another part of the site only with different nav bars.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
]]>For example:
On Google the meta description reads:
Content filed under the Awning Shutters and Shutter Parts taxonomy.
Another example:
On Google the meta description reads:
V.K. Industries, Inc. … Products. Click on the product images below for more information. Sort by Newest, Sort by Product Name …
Please let me know how i can fix this. I tried doing it in Yoast but I have not see any changes in on Google search engine.
]]>I’m relatively new to WordPress, and hoping someone can help me. I have a client who has 2.7.1.
Could someone please tell me how I include a list of links from a specific category of the main navigation into a page template? Currently my client is writing the links out manually in the page body text itself, which is not ideal if the links or titles in the main navigation change.
On another note, I am keen to upgrade my clients version of WordPress, however I’m scared the website will then break! If I upgrade, how likely is this to happen?
]]>I attempted to upload a child theme for my site. I spent weeks creating all the pages and functionality. I created a local host on my computer and used netbeans to customize my .php files. The site is complete and ready to be uploaded.
I logged into the admin panel of wordpress of my child theme on localhost/wp-admin and went into the settings options where the url is displayed. I changed the url’s (there were two) from localhost to https://4rmula.com and hit save. Upon doing that, I was logged out immediately and have not been successful in logging back in. Almost like my password and user name do not exist.
Now my old site, hosted by UplinkEarth, does not display correctly.I am very confused because I was operating on my localhost and not on the actual web. The slide shows do not appear and the CSS in general is in disarray. I have tried resetting my password, however, the email that I receive is for localhost and not for my domain https://4rmula.com. I am very confused and would like to simply upload my newly created theme.
Everything went wrong when I changed the url links in the settings of my child theme! PLEASE help!!
I was using xampp with windows 7 if that helps at all.