Only the last IDs gets the template applied, all others are ignored.
The workaround is to add one condition for every page, but either there is a missing/broken feature or the field placeholder is misleading.
I have the Elementor > Settings applied to Post Types: Events, and it still doesn’t work.
Am I missing something?
]]>I can see in plugin settings > personnalization :
that we can choose between Directorist template VS Theme template (Post)
i selected Theme template (Post) so that i get my Elementor theme builder applying to single listing template
I would like to know what does “Directorist template” mean exactly ?
and if it could be a problem in the future that i choose Theme template (Post) instead of Directorist template
Thank you for your explanations
1. Recently the display order randomizes even though I choose newest first. Can you please advise?
2. Also, just curious why the full name field will not display on the automatically generated single testimonials. Should it? If not, can I use shortcodes for title, content and full name to design my own single template? (Not sure where it would go.)
Thank you.
]]><?php the_favorites_button($post_id, $site_id); ?>
And got back these two errors:
Notice: Undefined variable: post_id in /home/hellod8/public_html/wp-content/themes/dadventure/tribe-events/single-event.php on line 39
Notice: Undefined variable: site_id in /home/hellod8/public_html/wp-content/themes/dadventure/tribe-events/single-event.php on line 39
The bookmark does show up, which is great but I would like to address this because who really wants an error?
]]>I am trying with the “amp_post_status_default_enabled” filter but doesn’t seem to make it work. Any help would be greatly appreciated
What I want to do is load a specific single template for People posts that will load when the “Not Just Another Pretty Face Artists” term is selected.
It will look different and display custom fields (through ACF Pro) than all other single posts, so I’d rather not just use the single-people.php template.
I created a test post and selected “Not Just Another Pretty Face Artists” as the term. This is the only term selected for this post.
I added the following to functions.php in order to load a specific single template for this taxonomy term:
function get_custom_single_template($single_template) {
global $post;
if ($post->post_type == 'people') {
$terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, 'not-just-another-pretty-face-artists');
if($terms && !is_wp_error( $terms )) {
//Make a foreach because $terms is an array but it supposed to be only one term
foreach($terms as $term){
$single_template = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/single-not-just-another-pretty-face-artists.php';
return $single_template;
add_filter( "single_template", "get_custom_single_template" ) ;
Note: “People” is the slug for the “People Categories” taxonomy.
Every time, this post loads single-people.php (I’m using the What The File plugin to test) and NOT single-not-just-another-pretty-face-artists.php, which is what I want to load. So there must be an issue with the way I’m trying to filter the single template.
I’ve looked through similar posts, but haven’t quite found the right help so far. Thanks in advance for reading!
]]>The funny thing is it does not happen to all the CPTs. For instance, this is also a CPT and displays just fine -
I’m even struggling to determine which template *is* being used when you try to display a speaker profile. Even the admin bar doesn’t load for these.
Any thoughts?