I really enjoy the plugin and using it for my internship (newbie in WP)
I want to create a custom single-event.php file but similar to the default one which I can’t find in the plugin files.
I don’t want the author to show and category to show (and don’t want to use css to do it.
Finding the initial template would help me.
I have a child theme folder with a single-event.php file with the template found on this reply for the moment.
Thank you !
To each event has assigned multiple subcategories. For example
Cat1: Cities
subcat1: athens
subcat2: london
cat2: Topic
subcat1: topic1
subcat2: topic2
I would like to display in different table or div the subcategories with parent cat1 and subcategories with parent cat2 …
Is there any php code that I can use? thanks
]]>I’ve tryed to customize the single event page by following instruction on your Themer’s Guide: I’ve created a new folder in my theme directory called “tribe-events
I’ve put on it a custom stylesheet called tribe-events.css and this is working fine and as aspected.
Then I’ve created a subfolder called list, I’ve copied on it the file /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/views/list/single-event.php
, exactly the same operation that there are in the example.
As soon as I copy the file, the calendar list stops working, the page continues to load until it times out and I see the mysql process reach 100% CPU. I can see the single event post, but not the list.
I want to clarify that I copied the file as it is, without making changes.
Have you any suggestions?
]]>Fatal error: Call to a member function output_single() on a non-object in /public_html/wp-content/themes/kleo-child/single-event.php on line 21
single-event.php looks like this:
line 19: global $EM_Event;
line 20: /* @var $EM_Event EM_Event */
line 21: echo $EM_Event->output_single();
line 22: ?>
...{my custom code goes here}
I did check it with twentythirteen, and got same effect (error).
Any help much appreciated.
Edited: Also I tried deactivating and activating EM.
Thank You.
]]>But I can only find the foundation of lists, categories, how do you start a shortcode on a single page?
Not like this:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[events_list
More like this:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[event …?
]]>I’m using single-event.php to display the single event posts.
]]>Anyone know of a easy way to do this?