Explanation of the need
I have begun to use UAM one year ago.
This have been done for two purposes :
1- Manage the visibility of articles during their development
2- Manage visibility as on general case described in FAQ
UAM : a tool for simulation of the functionment of new elements
The problem is to check elements before lauching the use.
I explain quickly :
WP has poor features to simulate a “how a full group of : pages, menu, category …” is going to behave without and before showing everything to real users.
Ex : I have developed new elements for visitors (with links, categories etc…) but I want to check it (necessarily) before showing it.
Another constraint is that to check the full behavior (categories selection, keywords, all links, menues etc.) it is necessary to “publish” the elements. This because if not you will not access elements by categories and keywords, the categories are considered with no elements attached and then most of time not displayed etc. (I sent threads on forum about these important limitations).
A site can be published and shown to any user or closed.
It is impossible to check a group of new element which interact.
The solution came from UAM :
I have created a group first with no users roles defined (then reserved to admin) and I have attached all elements to this UAM group.
Then everything was functioning for admin but could not be seen by any other user (I leaved only the access for visitors to a default page “The site will open soon, it concerns…).
In this configuration, if I want others levels of test, I can define other roles (for example define a role like a “test-subscriber” with same rights as a “subscriber” but with another role name) and add it to the previous UAM group. Then a new “tester- user” with the new role will login (or myself using the “switch user” plugin) and can see what will be seen if the UAM group has the role “subscriber” defined, with the limitations of the subscriber role.
This functions well but the current problem is that it is not possible to use it for “visitors” because “visitors” is not a known role for UAM.
Even I create a role with the rights of visitors, I will be unable to unlock the access limitation because I cannot say “this UAM group can be accessed by visitors” by checking a “role”.
A workaround possibility could be to “deactivate” the group temporarily but this function doesn’t exist.
Another awful workaround possibility is to “suppress” the UAM group and create it again when I would lock again the access, or change the name twice ? Such solution are not really anything else than (in French) “bidouille”.
I really don’t know how to do : give access to anybody to a UAM group
Thanks for an idea
Best regards
]]>I need some plugin which help me to create kind of simulation/configurator like you have here: netia.pl in section Poznaj symulator pakietów Telewizji Osobistej.
Any idea what kind of plugin I can use to have sth like that?
]]>Any suggestions for a theme/plugin package?
]]>Is there any plugin to simulate a specific situation?
I would soon be sharing some simulation code with my friends out there.
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