Thanks, Ed
]]>There is an important issue with your plugin. When a user logout, all guest users are removed from the sftrack table
the reason:
You used the following actions and functions to display users’ statistics when login and out:
add_action('wp_login', 'sp_track_login');
add_action('wp_logout', 'sp_track_logout');
function sp_track_login() {
# if user was logged as guest before logging in, remove the guest entry
$ip = sp_get_ip();
SP()->DB->execute("DELETE FROM ".SPTRACK." WHERE trackname='".$ip."'");
function sp_track_logout() {
global $current_user;
SP()->DB->execute("DELETE FROM ".SPTRACK." WHERE trackuserid=".$current_user->ID);
# clear the users search cache
The action used for user logout is incorrect with your function.
You should use the following action:
add_action('clear_auth_cookie', 'sp_track_logout', 10);
Otherwise the return value of the $current_user->ID is 0 or false, so all online guests will be removed from the “sptrack” table
wordpress: latest version
simple press: latest version
I went through the steps yesterday to update to 6.06 from the last 5 version, and was pleased that it went without a hitch – – for the most part.
Firstly, before the update and the reason that prompted me to take the time to finally do it, is my forum page was all of a sudden throwing an “Allowed memory” fatal error. The update didn’t fix it. After running health checks, disabling plugins one at a time etc etc (a few hours of work!) I was suprprised to find that the CSS-Only theme was causing it! When I switched to Unified, the fatal error was gone.
My second issue is Integration will not let me change the forum page. When I change the forum page, then click to update the permalink, it simply reverts the page back to Forum and the permalink back to /forum. Even if I trash the Forum page, it chooses forum-trash :/
The third problem I am experiencing is before the Forum page started throwing the error, I was able to put shortcode for the plugin Quick Chat at the top of the page, and Simple Press would simply embed the forums beneath that. Now, when I put the shortcode (and yes, I am making sure to do it in the page’s code editor) it just shows the shortcode text. I’ve contacted the Quick Chat author and he seems certain the conflict is with Simple Press.
To sum up:
* CSS-Only theme causes my forums to throw a fatal out of memory error
* My forum refuses to change it’s page and permalink
* My forum page will not allow me to embed the plugin Quick Chat, but will other chat plugins.
Thank you for any and all help!
]]>Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32768 bytes) in …/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc/class-wpseo-replace-vars.php on line 1227
I first noticed the error today. I hadn’t visited the forums for a week or so, so I’m not sure when it started.
Everything is up to date:
WordPress version: 5.0.3
Yoast SEO version: 9.4
Simple Press version: 6.0.6
The translation files are located in:
I have included a link to an example page.
Beth Terry
I’ve installed Simplepress on a WP site and everything is working fine apart from the TinyMCE not showing when posting a new post or when you click on components to configure it, (the Components/TinyMCE page is blank).
Has anybody got any suggestions how I can resolve this, with me being loath to pay Simplepress again, (I’ve already paid for the TinyMCE plugin once), just to even access their peer support forum, with me considering this going against the ethos of WordPress as it is.
Highest regards,