Please don’t tell me i have to manually unlock every page? There’s no reset.
]]>would it be possible to support the registration and login form of the Simple Membership Plugin?
]]>Thanks so much for putting together such a fabulous membership plugin.
I’d like to purchase your premium Data Exporter Add-On, but first would like to make sure that the add-on will offer the service I’m looking for. If you can confirm here that it will, I’ll make the payment right away. If you confirm that it won’t, I’ll appreciate your honesty and will consider purchasing a different premium plugin of yours to enhance my sites.
My question is: When the Data Explorer Add-On works to transfer member data between two sites (site #1 that exports the data and site #2 that imports the data), will site #2 be able to recognize when members are logged in to site #1?
I currently have two websites. Both are setup with WordPress and hosted by the same provider, but they don’t have multisite functionality (they’re kept on separate databases). Currently, one of my websites (site #1) has the Simple Membership Plugin active, contains protected content, and has many active members/membership accounts. I’ve been using the Simple Membership Plugin on this site for years and it’s been great.
My second site doesn’t need to have the Simple Membership Plugin functional on the front end because that site doesn’t offer protected content. I have, however, installed and activated the plugin on this site (site #2) so it’s functional on the back end. To confirm, this site isn’t set-up to receive payments or accept new members through the Simple Plugin Membership because those services aren’t needed.
Here’s the problem I’m running into that I’m hoping your premium plugin will solve.
I have pop-ups displayed on both of my websites that display a call to action button. The button encourages payment of a membership plan (functionality on site #1) needed to access the protected content on site #1. To clarify, if you visit site #1, the pop-up will prompt you to pay for the membership plan offered through that site in order to view its protected content. If you visit site #2, which doesn’t contain any protected content, the pop-up links to the payment page on site #1 and requests payment from there for access to site #1’s content. In effect, site #2 is a referral-only site.
The pop-up’s settings are such that the pop-ups only display to non-logged-in members. The pop-up works perfectly on site #1, where member log-in (via the Simple Membership Plugin) is easily recognized. On site #2, the pop-up continues displaying over and over to all site visitors, regardless of whether they are currently logged-in to site #1 or not. This, I assume, is because there’s no way for site #2 to recognize the user’s log-in status.
I’m looking for a way to have site #2 automatically recognize when a member is logged into site #1. If I have the Simple Membership Plugin installed and activated on both websites, and I purchase the Data Exporter Add-On (which allows me to essentially copy/paste data from site #1 to site #2), will your add-on transfer some kind of a “log-in status” variable so site #2 can automatically recognize a user that’s logged in to site #1? Since I don’t use the Simple Membership Plugin on site #2’s front end, unfortunately I cannot just ask members to sign-in again whenever they visit site #2. I’m stuck trying to figure out a (non-multisite) solution on the back end.
Thank you in advance for your help. My fingers are crossed that I can purchase your premium plugin and be done with this issue. I’d be happy to post a review of the plugin or add-on too, if it offers a fix.
However, emails are still not being sent.
// I’m using “local by flywheel” as a WordPress test environment before going to production.
// I have disabled other plugins to check if there any conflicts, but issue persists.
// Other user registration plugins are being sent without issues.
Is there any fix?
]]>Great work! I’ve been using this plugin for a few years now and it’s been great. Thanks so much for putting it together. I’d be happy to write a plugin review provided the bug mentioned below is able to be fixed.
Recently, I discovered a conflict between your plugin and the Simple Membership plugin. I’m currently using the most recent versions of both (7.7.1 of JetPack and 3.8.9 of the Simple Membership plugin), however I’ve tried rolling back to several older versions of both plugins and I still experience the same conflict.
The bug I am experiencing is with WordPress admin log-in. I’m able to log into WordPress just fine, but after about a minute (or if I try to click on any page within my dashboard), I’m booted out of my WordPress account and prompted to log-in again. This happens to no end. After several device reboots, cookie/cache clears, redirect checks, and chats with my hosting provider, I disabled all plugins and discovered that the issue occurs only when JetPack and Simple Membership are enabled at the same time (even when all other plugins are disabled). Both plugins work fine on their own when activated while the other is deactivated.
If I could just disable the Simple Membership plugin to keep using the JetPack plugin I would. Unfortunately, my site is comprised entirely of content that should only be shown to paying members, and I need the membership plugin to operate this. When I disable the Simple Membership plugin and keep the JetPack plugin enabled, content that is supposed to be available to paying members only (thanks to the Simple Membership plugin) is made public for all to see. If I disable JetPack, my site’s content disappears completely because it is portfolio-based and requires JetPack to run. If I enable both JetPack and the Simple Membership plugin at the same time, everything looks/works well on the front end, but I’m unable to access the site’s back end.
Please help! Thank you!
P.S. This is a link to the support topic I started for the Simple Membership plugin:
]]>Great work! I’ve been using this plugin for a few years now and it’s been great. Thanks so much for putting it together. I’d be happy to write a plugin review provided the bug mentioned below is able to be fixed.
Recently, I ran into an issue with your plugin update. Specifically, plugin versions 3.8.9 and 3.8.4 of Simple Membership conflict with the most recent version of JetPack. I’m currently using version 3.8.2 of Simple Membership as a workaround, but it would be great to get this bug sorted out so the newest versions of your Simple Membership plugin can be accessed while also using JetPack.
The bug I am experiencing is with WordPress admin log-in. I’m able to log into WordPress just fine, but after about a minute (or a few clicks around my dashboard), I’m booted out of my WordPress account and prompted to log-in again. This happens to no end. After several device reboots, cookie/cache clears, redirect checks, and chats with my hosting provider, I disabled all plugins and discovered that the issue occurs when the newest version of JetPack is active at the same time as either the 3.8.9 version or the 3.8.4 version of Simple Membership. Both plugins work fine on their own when activated while the other is deactivated.
I should mention that I’m aware that not all plugins work well together, and I know it’s not your responsibility to make sure the Simple Membership plugin works with all other plugins in the repository. However, since JetPack is such as widespread plugin and a staple of so many WordPress sites, I hope this particular conflict encourages a bug fix. I’m not a developer, so unfortunately I cannot offer more details about what specifically is causing the bug. Would it be possible to check the conflict out on your end? I’m happy to continue using the older version of the Simple Membership plugin (3.8.2) for now, but don’t want to for too long as best practices support keeping plugins up to date.
Thanks so much for any bugs you can fix or any new plugin versions you can create that don’t conflict with JetPack. I don’t want to switch membership plugins as I’d much prefer to use yours if I can. Let me know if you have any specific questions that I can answer to help solve this problem.
Thank you!
When I decided to re-install the “WP Simple Membership” plugin. Every page (located in admin/settings). Installed as acknowledge. However, the (Membership Registration) (DID NOT) install. Hmmm
I am providing you guys w/reference to the actual URL of the reg. page (here):
*PLEASE NOTE: I did (in fact) re-create my own registration Web page. Please refer to the link above.
It is the (actual) Web page (once) the visitor “clicks” the “Join Us” button. They should be (re-directed) to the “Registration” page for providing their
1] Name,
2] Email,
3] A password, etc.
Can I (simply) re-create a registration page?
I will be running the Simple membership plugin together with multilanguage WPML plugin on a site with 3 languages.
Is here anyone who knows how to set it up for that? Or if it is possible?
Thanks in advance