Namely, having a way to embed Pods into another Pod ( it would also be helpful have a toggle to include the title of the embedded Pod), in a parent-child relationship. If each created child Pod post can have a unique shortcode, then the parent Pod could use a repeater paragraph (WYSIWYG/code) field with shortcodes enabled, to embed the child into parent page.
This would also make the case for creating a dedicated “shortcode embed” field type, rather than the current paragraph field workaround to get the shortcode capability.
Alternatively, instead of creating a new “shortcode” field type, the existing oEmbed field type could be extended to support embedding Pods, and or handling shortcodes.
]]>I have followed the instructions on the shortcode-embeds page.
“To enable this module, visit Jetpack → Settings → Writing in your site’s dashboard. Scroll down to the Composing section and toggle on the Compose using shortcodes to embed media from popular sites option.”
Also, I have double-checked and activated if needed the Shortcode Embeds module
I can use the Facebook shortcode, however using the Facebook link as an Inline embed, is not working. I need the standard Facebook inline embeds to work for legacy content.
FYI, I had to turn off jetpack on production sites as simply turning the module off didn’t allow the Facebook embeds to work.
Some help on this would be great.
]]>A client’s site was loading extremely slow on some pages, up to 20 seconds in some cases.
Deactivating the Jetpack plugin resolved the issue, but this wasn’t an option for the client.
Anyways, long story short, posts which included an instagram link/embed were causing the issue. These where just plain links, no embed shortcode, so relying on the WordPress built in oEmbed functionality to display the instagram image. The issue was not just on posts, but on category views. For example, her home page (blog post view) had two posts with such embeds, each post having at least 5 or 6 links each, taking up to 20 seconds to load at times.
Turns out it’s the “Shortcode Embeds” module in Jetpack causing the conflict/issue. Deactivating this module resolves the page loading speed issue.
I came across this in github which explains the issue, but since February it doesn’t seem to have been addressed.
Also, Jetpack now turns this module on by default, not sure why, especially since they know it slows down page loading in these cases. I would recommend they keep this module off by default until they figure this out, especially given the poor user experience and difficulty for the average user to figure out.
If you come across this issue yourself, you can turn it off by going to the Jetpack dashboard, scroll to the bottom and click on debug, then find and click the “Access the full list of Jetpack modules…” link, then deactivate the Shortcode Embeds module.
I hope this helps someone else.
]]>Instead of a video that “fits” and looks as it should, the module takes over the link and puts in inside its YouTube shortcode tags.
And then the videos on a mobile device have a TON of black space both above and below the video, making it look extra tall instead of 16×9, like it should appear. It looks more like 16×200 or something like that!
I’m not complaining; I’m a huge Jetpack fan. One of your biggest! But this is a problem because I can’t use the Slideshow gallery unless Shortcode Embeds is turned on. And with Shortcode Embeds turned on, all my YouTube video previews look terrible on a mobile device.
]]>Notice: Undefined index: visual in /home/[user]/[url]/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/soundcloud.php on line 61
Note that the player appears correctly below.
Line 61 of that file:
$isVisual = ! $player_type || $player_type === 'visual' || $shortcode_options['visual'];
My shortcodes look like this:
[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]
Any help would be most appreciated!
]]>Both Pronamic Google Maps and the Jetpack addon ‘Shortcode Embeds’ are using the shortcode [googlemaps]. When using the shortcode with both plugins active nothing will be shown.
]]>After a bit of digging, we figured out that the JetPack Shortcode Embeds module seems to short-circuit your plugin for some reason.
For instance, with a YouTube embed, the code that was output on the page prior to activating JetPack (with your plugin active) was something like:
<div class="fve-video-wrapper fve-image-embed fve-thumbnail-image youtube" style="padding-bottom:56.25%;">
<iframe src="//" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> </div>
After we activate the Shortcode Embeds module in JetPack, we get the following instead:
<p><span class="embed-youtube" style="text-align:center; display: block;"><iframe class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></span></p>
I’ll try to look into this to see if I can figure out what changes might need to be made to your plugin, but if you have any ideas or might be able to come up with a fix faster than me, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.