Liebe Nutzer von exovia GDPR Google Maps,
Wir m?chten exovia GDPR Google Maps erweitern und ben?tigen euer Feedback! Aktuell erm?glicht das Plugin die Erstellung einer einzelnen Karte per Shortcode.
In der Vergangenheit gab es viele Anfragen nach der M?glichkeit, mehrere unterschiedliche Karten anzulegen und individuell einzubinden. Daher m?chten wir wissen, ob weiterhin Interesse an dieser Funktion besteht.
Für die Version 1.1 planen wir, verschiedene Karten über individuelle Shortcode-Attribute abzurufen. Zum Beispiel k?nnte der Shortcode wie folgt aussehen: [exactly-gdpr-map src='URL zur Karte']
Lasst uns wissen, ob euch diese Funktion interessiert und ob ihr weitere Ideen habt!
Vielen Dank für euer Feedback!
Dear users of exovia GDPR Google Maps,
We're looking to expand exovia GDPR Google Maps and we need your feedback! Currently, the plugin allows you to create a single map using shortcodes.
We've received numerous requests in the past for the ability to create and embed multiple different maps individually. Therefore, we'd like to know if there's still interest in this feature.
For version 1.1, we're planning to introduce the capability to retrieve various maps using custom shortcode attributes. For example, the shortcode could look like this: [exactly-gdpr-map src='Map URL']
Let us know if you're interested in this feature and if you have any other ideas!
Thank you for your feedback!
]]><?php echo do_shortcode(‘[yith_wcwl_add_to_wishlist label=”Test Label” product_id=”‘ . $product->get_id() . ‘”]’);?>
]]>I am using V 4.4.5 of the PDF Embedder Premium Secure (the paid secure version of PDF Embedder). How do I fix this critical issue?
The viewer / embed works fine on normal web pages, it is just the lesson pages in Tutor LMS that have this issue.
Also, does anyone know how to set one embedded pdf on one page so it is fully protected from download, and set another different pdf on another page to allow downloads? Is there some code that can be added to the shortcode for this? It seems crazy that this premium version of the plugin is a one size fits all for all pdfs on your website? We really ought to be able to configure such things for individual pdfs?
Thanks for any help with this!
]]>One of my PDFs is scrolling off the right side of the page which isn’t good. See the Most Dangerous Superstition on this page.
We assume it’s happening because of the zoom level so can we set that somehow?
]]>I want to hide the download button for some pdf.
I tried to include download=”off”. To do so, I switched the WP Gutengerg editor from visual to code but I did not succeed in adding this download parameter.
For a Premium customer, how to hide the download button ?
Thanks for your support
]]>Thank You
]]>We are trying to make jobs which have been ticked as “Vacancy filled” appear in the frontend jobs listing. We already include “type = [number]” in the shortcode to display only the job categories we need, but we also now need to include the addition of “Vacancy filled” in the shortcode. Could you advise?
Many thanks,
]]>I read that you can use the shortcode:
[pdf-embedder url=”some-url” title=”some-title” page=”22″]
To start the document at the page 22… Is that true?
It doesn’t work for me… Is there any other way?
]]>I imported your plugin to GitHub, but it stopped short of full import, and left me with version 1.0.3 or something like that. I created a branch for my concept here:
(I was originally trying to do this for inclusion in ClassicPress and had the wrong idea, so the name was changed from lister to list.)
I think it needs testing on different PHP versions, as I’m not sure that the output remains the same. It needs the booleans filtered to 0 or 1; you can see this in either the or . I intended that there be JS for the editor to better handle the editing of the shortcode, but didn’t get to that part.
The reason I did this the way I did is it made sense to deal with a keyed array in PHP rather than JS, and the var_export
function made it so easy regarding types and quotes, etc.
I hope you see the value of this and can incorporate it into your plugin.
shortcode. It does so by adding a few attributes to the gallery
shortcode and, while processing the shortcode it checks for those attributes. If present it runs my branch of code, and if not, it runs the core WP code. I am in the process of converting this plugin to
shortcode with the additional attributes required by the plugin.core/gallery
block.transforms: {
from: [
type: 'shortcode',
tag: 'gallery',
attributes: {
myattr: {
type: 'string',
shortcode: function(named) {
return JSON.stringify(named.named);
to the code and assign a higher number for priority, the code switches back to showing the core gallery.My question is: in the code I pasted above, is there any way to specifically target shortcodes with tag gallery
that have a certain attribute defined? I have looked at extending blocks, as well as the transforms documentation, in addition to going through the pre-compilation code on Github to figure this out, but I haven’t had any luck.