this topic is coming up from time to time here however with no suitable solution so far. Woocommerce is creating several default product archive pages (e.g. shop base, category and attribute pages, etc.). When setting up customized shops I do not need these default archive pages at all although I am using categories, attributes, etc. Instead I am working with shortcodes or blocks to output products on defined pages.
Since all these product archive pages are being indexed through search engines is there a way to deactivate them?
]]>eg. and list the same products, because there is only one category. Is is essentially a duplicate page, which is confusing, especially if people are looking at a breadcrumb on a single product page that looks like this: It implies that the customer can click on ‘shop’ or ‘product-category’ and see different things, but they list the same products, because there is only one category.
Furthermore, I want to concentrate all my SEO efforts on one ‘category’ page, not two (a shop page listing the products from only one category is essentially a duplicate of the product category page).
How do I natively bypass either the shop base or the category base so my shop and product category page are the same URL? Such as: (with no
or (i.e. category name as the shop base)
I’d prefer not to mess with 301 redirects in case I ever needed to create another category sometime in the future.
Many stores sell only a few products, often all the same category. Surely there is a native solution for this?
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>I’ve been setting up my store for a while (it being my first WC site), and I have just noticed something which is very confusing and I don’t understand why it is the case.
In WP Settings > Permalinks, WP allows me to type in a ‘Product category base’, which I believe just defaults to ‘product-category’.
However, WP also allows me to set a product URL base. Currently, that is set on ‘custom base’ with /shop/%product_cat%/ as the entry. I cannot recall whether this is the default option, or whether I tinkered with this for some reason ages ago.
The ability to make them different means that if someone visited a product, and wanted to get a category manually, or discern the product category from the URL, they would be wrong and get a 404 error.
For example, go to prouct:
If someone wishes to discern the category url and go there, they will try:
And they would get a 404 error, because the working url structure is different:
Could someone experienced with WC please explain to me why anyone would want an inbuilt ability to create inconsistent URLs? I would honestly very much appreciate know the reasoning.
What is best practice?
Ultimately I’d just want:
Is there a best practice for this? I am utterly confused.
Another thing: If I change the custom base and remove the ‘shop’ part, that is going to wreak havoc with all my product links. Can someone please also recommend the best way to handle bulk re-directs within WP/WC without dealing with each link individually? ie. every product that once had ‘shop’ as the base, should now redirect to the url without ‘shop’, etc?
Much appreciated.
But, as soon as I set this page to be Shop Base too, I get unwanted header and sidebar:
It seems that it is automatically classified as a category page whne set as Shop Base. How do I remove this unwanted elements and still set this page to be Shop Page (and look like on 1st image)?
]]>How can I use my theme’s header title instead?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Example: <– product page with category ok
removing now manually part of the URL above: <– error 404 <– works
Breadcrumb in the product page look like this:
home / shop / mycategory/ myproduct
clicking on mycategory links to: <– works
Any clue on how to resolve this?
Thank you.
]]><div id="menu-custom-affairs">
<li><a href="#">All</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Accessories</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Affairs Y</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Bags</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Pants</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Tops</a></li>
<li><a href="#">W.A.F</a></li>
hello, im from indonesia and i really need help for my website.
i just want make category link on shop page (but not in the sidebar),
here’s the website:
how i can input that html to archive-product.php? it’s already shown the category link on the website, but not looping in the next page (ex: page 2/3/4…)
really thanks…
]]>So far the theme applies perfectly on cart, checkout, and the other pages except. The shop base and single product page. I’m stuck because I’ve not been able to find any resource online that solves this problem.
See the project at
Any assistance will be appreciated.
]]>Depending on the product or service being sold, I’d like to use different slugs.
The categories feature doesn’t seem to do this. Can anyone advise a ‘how to’ here?
]]>Is there a way to pass a category tag as a variable so that if customer #1 is shopping for venue A, and customer #2 is shopping for venue B, when they get to the cart page and then click “continue shopping,” I need to send back customer #1 to the venue A price list and customer #2 back to the venue B price list. Is this possible?
At times there might be 6 or 7 venues with price lists/shopping carts needed at the same time, and it seems a bit unwieldy to create a separate WordPress install with Woocommerce for each venue …?