Both have some settings in common that do not make sense to be configured differently.
So when one is installed without the other, they each have their own settings page.
When both are installed, for the options in common, Plugin B uses the settings for Plugin A. For the options unique to B there are just two. Rather than waste Settings Menu space, when both are installed, B will add it’s section to the settings page for A (using same settings group obviously but different section)
That is working beautifully except for one thing –
The section for Plugin B always ends up *before* the section for Plugin A even though it is A’s option page.
I can not figure out how WordPress determines the order for more than one section on the same options page.
I could potentially add a bit of JS to move the section for B so that it comes after A but that is really hackish, is there no way to get WordPress to spit out the sections in a specified order? How does it sort them?
Link is code for Plugin B just in case anyone wants to see what I’m doing (settings API stuff near bottom)
]]> `add_action(‘init’, ‘myFunc’);
function myFunc(){
$myoptions = get_option( ‘custom_option’ );
$trueorfalse = $myoptions[‘my_swicth’];
$alertemail = $myoptions[‘alert_email’]; // both working outside
if( 1 == $trueorfalse && ‘’ == $alertemail ){
//do something
All the blog/forum posts on this topic are more than a year old. Either people have given up or I haven’t found the official post that explains how to do this. If there’s a more recent one out there, please share it with me.
NOTE: A few posts says to use serialize()
and unserialize()
. You can but you don’t have to. There is an easier way. Read on.
This is a generalized/simplified sample of how I store theme settings in a multidimensional array.
First, populate with some defaults. This step is optional but it shows you how I have an array within an array.
function set_default_theme_settings() {
$meta = array (
'date' => 1,
'category' => 1,
'author' => 1,
'comments' => 1
$options = array (
'copyright' => 'blah blah blah',
'notfound' => 'yadda yadda yadda',
'meta' => $meta // This is the array within an array.
add_option( 'blah', $options );
add_action( 'after_theme_setup', 'set_default_theme_settings' );
is the name of my theme (not in real life) and here I use it as the name of the option. Of course, change blah
to something unique for your theme/plugin. Probably the name of your own theme or plugin.
I won’t post all the code.
Cut a long story short, inside the form you pull out the options.
$options = get_option('blah');
Then you can use them like this:
<input type="text" name="blah[copyright]" value="<?php echo $options['copyright']; ?>" />
<input type="checkbox" id="meta_date" name="blah[meta][date]" value="1" <?php echo checked( 1, $options['meta']['date'], false ); ?> />
Take careful note of where to use blah['…']
(for storing) and where to use $options['…']
(for retrieving).
You can retrieve and store in the second array just by doubling up the square brackets…
And I assume you can bury data in endless depths of embedded arrays:
This is basic PHP syntax, but for me the key was realizing that I could use this PHP syntax in the HTML input name attribute for saving to the options multi-dimensional array using the WordPress Settings API. And WordPress would handle it all for me. Sweet!
i.e. name="blah[meta][date]"
That’s all folks! That’s all you need to do to retrieve and store settings in a multi-dimensional array in a single WordPress option.
P.S. If this is already common knowledge, please point me in the direction of some good references. I figured it out by trial and error, intuition and blunder.
]]>I have a settings page which work beautifully except one key problem….it is not saving!
Can someone please tell me what I have done wrong?
add_action('admin_menu', 'create_esm_options_page');
add_action('admin_init', 'register_and_build_esm_options');
function register_and_build_esm_options(){
register_setting('esm_settings_option','esm_mailtype', 'validate_esm_mail_setup');
register_setting('esm_settings_option','esm_settings', 'validate_esm_mail_setup');
add_settings_section('mail_section', 'Mail Settings','esm_section_callback','esm_mail_setup');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_type','Mail Type: ','esm_mail_type','esm_mail_setup','mail_section');
add_settings_section('mail_smtp_section', 'SMTP Settings','esm_section_smtp_callback','esm_mail_setup');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_smtp_host','Host: ','esm_mail_smtp_host','esm_mail_setup','mail_smtp_section');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_smtp_port','Port: ','esm_mail_smtp_port','esm_mail_setup','mail_smtp_section');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_smtp_secure','Secure: ','esm_mail_smtp_secure','esm_mail_setup','mail_smtp_section');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_smtp_auth','Auth: ','esm_mail_smtp_auth','esm_mail_setup','mail_smtp_section');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_smtp_username','SMTP Username: ','esm_mail_smtp_username','esm_mail_setup','mail_smtp_section');
add_settings_field('esm_mail_smtp_password','SMTP Password: ','esm_mail_smtp_password','esm_mail_setup','mail_smtp_section');
function create_esm_options_page() {
add_menu_page('Mail Setup', 'Mail Setup', 'administrator', 'esm', 'esm_options_page');
function esm_options(){ ?>
<?php print_r($_POST);?>
<form method="post" action="">
<?php settings_fields('esm_settings_option'); ?>
<?php do_settings_sections('esm_mail_setup'); ?>
<p class="submit">
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save Changes'); ?>" />
<?php }
function esm_options_page() {
<div id="theme-options-wrap">
<div class="icon32" id="icon-tools"> <br /> </div>
<h2>Electric Studio Postcard Mailer</h2>
<div><?php esm_options(); ?></div>
<p>Plugin Created By <a href="">Electric Studio</a> | Get WordPress Hosting from <a href="">Electric Hosting</a></p>
function validate_esm_mail_setup($option){
//put any validation on the option here.
return $option;
function esm_section_callback(){}
function esm_section_smtp_callback(){
$html = "<p>Only required if mail type is set to SMTP</p>";
echo $html;
function esm_mail_type(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_mail_type');
$option = "";
$option .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"esm_mail_type\" value=\"mail\" ".checked($optionValue , 'mail',false)." ";
if($optionValue == "")
$option .= "checked=\"checked\"";
$option .= "/>Mail<br/>";
$option .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"esm_mail_type\" value=\"smtp\" ".checked($optionValue , 'smtp', false)."/>SMTP<br/>";
echo $option;
function esm_mail_smtp_host(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_settings');
$option = "";
$option .= "<input id='esm_smtp_host' name='esm_settings[host]' size='40' type=\"text\" value='{$optionValue['host']}' />";
echo $option;
function esm_mail_smtp_port(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_settings');
$option = "";
$option .= "<input id='esm_smtp_port' name='esm_settings[port]' size='40' type=\"text\" value='{$optionValue['port']}' />";
echo $option;
function esm_mail_smtp_secure(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_settings');
$option = "";
$option .= "<input id='esm_smtp_secure' name='esm_settings[secure]' size='40' type=\"text\" value='{$optionValue['secure']}' />";
echo $option;
function esm_mail_smtp_auth(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_settings');
$option = "";
$option .= "<input id='esm_smtp_auth' name='esm_settings[auth]' size='40' type=\"text\" value='{$optionValue['auth']}' />";
echo $option;
function esm_mail_smtp_username(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_settings');
$option = "";
$option .= "<input id='esm_smtp_username' name='esm_settings[username]' size='40' type=\"text\" value='{$optionValue['username']}' />";
echo $option;
function esm_mail_smtp_password(){
$optionValue = get_option('esm_settings');
$option = "<input id='esm_smtp_password' name='esm_settings[password]' size='40' type='password' value='{$optionValue['password']}' />";
echo $option;
]]>I used the following code but could not save the data entered in the field. Can some one tell what is wrong in my code?
I added following code in functions.php in theme directory.
code is here
I had coded as it is explained in settings api manual.