I disabled the WP-Optimize plugin and got stuck in a server 500 Error.
It could be that the .htaccess file still contains code related to the plugin that could cause this issue.
The error log shows …wordpress/.htaccess: Invalid command ‘application/schema+json’, and my provider was telling me that it might be misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration which could be the disabled WP-Optimize plugin.
I had a look in the .htaccess file but I have no idea what exactly I would have to comment out to resolve this issue. I tried just the 2 lines including “schema+json“ with no success.
Is there a way to tell what lines belong to WP-Optimize and could they be safely removed?
Thank you for any information you can provide.
]]>I am editing the website through the Elementor page. When I save the website, I always get a SERVER 500 ERROR. The error happened when I try to save a text edit.
When I try to access the admin website(https://tsbresearch.web.illinois.edu/wp/wp-admin/update-core.php), I always get the issue of a white page and I cannot touch anything after that. It says, there has been a critical issue with your website. Please check your email.
Could you help me to figure out what is wrong here? This issue is very critical and we cannot make any progress on our website.
Thank you so much?for your help!
]]>I’m hoping for a little help on a strange WordPress error.
I’ve checked through the forums but didn’t see the exact issue here.
Apologies in advance – I’m not very technical and don’t deal much with the WP back end / file setup (I handle the front end), so I may explain this badly, but I’ll do my best.
I work on a commercial WP website. About 7 months ago, the software team changed servers, moving from international to local.
Everything seemed to be going fine – all information and links were ported successfully, the site didn’t break, etc. On the front-end, everything still appears fine and functional. However, there appear to be some errors with content uploading since the move.
When I upload something to the Media Library, initially, it appears fine. In the Media Library, the preview grid works as per normal. When I click on a file (a JPG for example) it opens a preview window properly, and when I click on the ‘view attachment page’ link in the preview window, that image loads properly as well.
However, when I then click on that image, I get an HTTP Error 500.
I notice this changes my URL to that of the direct upload:
Further investigation has shown a clear line: nothing that was uploaded before we switched servers has this problem. Everything that has been uploaded since, gives the same 500 error.
It only appears to be a problem with the direct URLs, not with other usage of the file.
For example, if I upload an image into the Media Library, I can drop it into a page, post or portfolio gallery, and it seems to display fine.
However, if I try to link directly to where they are uploaded (by copying the URL from the Media Library into a button, for example) I get the server 500 error.
Our software team are a bit stymied by this, so I’m hoping to help out.
Has anyone encountered this before, or have any ideas?
I’m not sure if its a database problem, or a WP problem, or a server problem…
Anything that I can take back to the software team would be very appreciated!
any idea , why this is so ? and what should I do ?
]]>this is my link to the website. cooler.agmn.ca
]]>Moving my blog (using the AutofocusPro theme) from one subdomain (dogpawsapproved.com) to another (dogslobber.co). Main domain is themaxwellness.com. My blog had always been operating from a subdomain of that, and I wanted to move it to a different, newly made subdomain.
-Backed up everything
– I went into the admin options of my working blog, and changed the site url and home to new url https://www.dogslobber.co
-Copied all files that were in the original directory to my local machine, then uploaded them to their new home in the dogslobber.co subdomain directory.
-Tried to open up the admin area in my new domain – Server 500 error received.
-Looked extensively into what could be happening. Tried troubleshooting tips related to:
-.htaccess file – reset permissions, renamed it, cleared it, etc.
-permalinks – reset them to default directly in my database
-theme or plugin conflicts – turned all plugins off via database, and set theme back to a default (twentyfifteen)
No luck. Dreaded 500 error forever it seems. Oddly, when I head back to https://www.dogpawsapproved.com, a bastardized version of the blog is still kind of working, which is just beyond me, as I am more than certain that the database is pointing both the home and site url options to https://www.dogslobber.co …
If anyone has any additional tips of something I could have missed, etc. Please let me know!
Thanks in advance.
]]>Feel like a beautiful idiot now… Allow me to bullet point the steps I followed and maybe you can see where I missed something or did not do something.
1- Created a sub-domain (in cpanel)
2- created a data base with new user (in cpanel)
3- Downloaded wordpress 4.3.1
4- Changed the name from wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php
5- inside the wp-config I changed the database name, username & password
6- loaded the api salt URL and copied and pasted my new salt keys to the relevant area inside wp-config
7- saved!!
8- uploaded wp to the subdomains folder in the main domains root via ftp
9- typed https://subdomain.maindonain.xyz/wp-login.php
10- filled UN & PW hit enter
11- Then it goes to https://subdomain.maindonain.xyz.xyz/wp-admin/
with Server error 500
Will appreciate any help!!