After some research into how to solve this issue, I came across a few others which are experiencing similar issues although not exactly the same, they are related:
_expiration-date-status | text which says whether the expiration is set to saved
_expiration-date | int which is unix time to expire the post
_expiration-date-options | a serialized array which tells the post what to do (set as draft for example) and the post ID.
My issue is around the _expiration-date-options meta field. I am trying to import expiry dates using the default WooCommerce Product CSV importer (accessible from Products > Import).
In the CSV import, the serialized array is shown here:
But when looking at the database, it has imported differently:
It seems s:59″ is added to the start of the text and “; is added to the end of the text.
WooCommerce state:
“From further investigation it appears that the s:59 is the the string identifier for the number of characters in the entire array string and is added by WordPress. Therefore we wouldn’t recommend removing it.”
Any advice on how to properly import post expiration dates will be greatly appreciated, particularly when using the default WooCommerce product import CSV (although I am open to using other products like Really Simple CSV Importer and WP All Import Pro)
Many Thanks
]]>I wonder how to create a condition based on a postmeta value that is saved in the db as a serialized array.
I’d like to check for a custom postmeta that is created by the theme (to hide the page title actually) but when using it for a custom condition and enabling debug mode, it says something like this:
<br /> <b>Warning</b>: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in <b>/home/www/stage/wp-includes/class-wp-block-parser.php</b> on line <b>417</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in <b>/home/www/stage/wp-includes/class-wp-block-parser.php</b> on line <b>489</b><br />
Hide if contains
Condition met:
I suppose this serialized postmeta is returned as array then but matching is done as if it would be a string.
anyway, is it currently possible with this plugin?
]]>I’m currently in a bit of a mess.
I set up a WordPress Multisite Network on an Apache 2.4 Webserver and I am trying to manage domain mapping via VirtualHost.
So far so good, I can reach the homepage of one of my sites (localhost/wordpress/example is now just fine but as soon as I try to get to a subsite on my site (localhost/wordpress/example/subsite -> I get “403 – Forbidden – you don’t have permission to access /subsite on this server”
I will show you what I’ve done so far:
1. I changed the URL in the wp-admin from wordpress/localhost/example to
2. In httpd-vhosts.conf I have:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot “${SRVROOT}/htdocs/wordpress”
Alias /subsite “”
ErrorLog “logs/example-error.log”
CustomLog “logs/example-access.log” combined
<Directory “${SRVROOT}/htdocs/wordpress”>
#Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
#Order allow,deny
#Allow from all
Require all granted
#AllowOverride All
I pretty much tried every possible combination of the Options in the Directory Tags, nothing worked yet. In the error log I get “Client denied by server configuration: C:/Apache24/, referer:”
Am I missing something vital?
Please help!
I currently have an ACF checkbox that has several values. I’m trying to return the post info for just one value. I can return all posts that have selected a value, but not the singular one I want.
Here’s my code:
[loop type=ministers]
[array field=district_position_name value=’District Superintendent’]
[field image]
[field title-link]
[field district_position_name]
[field minister_email]
For some reason, the value is being passed over. What am I doing wrong?
]]>I’m making this request as I’ve been burned more times than I’d like to admit by the fact CF7 settings are stored as serialized arrays in the database. So whenever I migrate my database from dev to live and do an SQL replace on urls in the database it breaks the CF7 settings as the length of strings change in the array but the serialized indexes don’t.
From my experience, WP devs store serialized arrays more in options and avoid them being in postmeta since the standard migration procedure is to do a find and replace on that table.
*There really isn’t a need for the settings to be serialized into the postmeta table as it’s not repeater.
Thank you for looking at my request I’m sure I’m not alone with my pain.
]]>a:8:{s:16:”unita_periferica”;s:4:”0000″;s:7:”regione”;s:7:”xxxxxxx”;s:17:”provincia_profilo”;s:2:”xx”;s:6:”comune”;s:8:”xxxxxxxx”;s:11:”cap_profilo”;s:5:”xxxxx”;s:9:”indirizzo”;s:13:”Via Italia 31″;s:8:”telefono”;s:10:”xxxxxxxxxx”;s:23:”ragione_sociale_profilo”;s:13:”Utente Utente”;}
but, when “Is Serialized” is checked or uncheked, the result is wrapped by s:284:””; and wordpress can’t read the data correctly.
There is a solution?
]]>When trying to import, WordPress Importer fails on these line breaks, and the data is skipped.
There are numerous posts dating back over the years on this issue, but I haven’t really found a fix. If the data is not in an array, this seems to be imported without any issues.
]]>i’m looking on best practices to make this update process as quick as possible:
1. For widget (#_option), from the exported SQL i know the option_id and option_name, but how can i define which widget it is ?
2. is there any plugin that able to grab serialized array, modify, and re-save