My friend is using sensible wp with a few www from quite a long time but he is not a pro with html/css (me neither of course). Some time ago I taked a note that main footer is not sticky and it looks bad on different monitors, especially whent there is small amount of text or you don’t use any other footers (social secions or top secion) on hero page. Is there any easy way to fix this?
Best regards
]]>When everything is in order, the navigation links should be above the banner at the very top of the page. Can anyone help me out with this issue? When I go to the customize appearance section, everything looks to be in the right place, but it’s clearly not.
]]>i am using Fa icons in services and footer section.
When i am in customizer (Appearance -> Customize) they are shown.
When i am on webpage, it doesent matter if logged in or not, they are not shown.
Thanks for reply
]]>Also, is it able to have more than 3 items listed in the Services section?
]]>I’m a total newb to wordpress so my title might be wrong, Basically I like the front page in the theme sensible (i think this is called either parallax or the home hero section)
how can I take this part of the sensible theme and place it at the top of the front page on the gridsby theme ?
As I said im a newb to all this and have been looking at this for a couple days now (yeah i mean well over 24 hours)and I’ve messed it up a few times figured out a few other things but couldn’t figure out how to do this…
I just dont know what to copy and where to paste it,
Also would the customization aspect still work in the gridsby theme as it would in the sensible theme ? ? ?
Any help would be appreciated
i have a issue with this theme.
The issue that i can’t translate homepage sentenses. (.po already translated, i’am using Polylang.)
So i understood on another forum that i to creat a WPML.xml file, and they said that may be the author have already this file ready.
So i’am here to ask if you have this file.
Are i’am doing wrong if i resolve the issue like this?
How can I hide the author name and avatar on my blog?
The site is:
I only want it to say “Posted on DATE.” Instead of Posted by NAME, AVATAR, on DATE.
Thank you of your help!