please help as i think i will lose my mind – if that hasn’t happen allready
For weeks now i am trying to achieve what i believe is basically the same thing as discussed above. i have read your tutorials and most of the treads, i tested almost every file management plugin known to men and i am affraid my head will explode – you know, to much information
and after every single plugin i have teste i come back to fileaway in hope that this time i will be able to get it done…but no…
the problem is that i have no coding skills and i just can’t get behind of it of how i could get it to do what i need it to do – from all the reading the only thing i know is it can be done with your plugin.
So what i would like to do is this:
i want to build a webpage where every client that registers gets a profile. on this profile page there are four tabs – each for a different category. i managed to do that.
now – for each tab(category) i would like to be able to upload files(mostly pdf’s) that belong only to a specific client/user and that only this user can see them. and i as admin of course.
then i would like those files to be listed in this specific tab. – i know that for each tab i will need a different shortcode in it, but the codes would be almost the same, the only difference would be in the category – meaning in the tab itself.
for one tab i would like to have an option for users to upload files by themselves.
the question is how do i achieve this and how do i specify the user for whom i am uploading a file for?
beacuse of my nonexisting coding skills i would really need a step by step guide on how to that so i would finally understand the process…
i am very sorry that this post got so looooong but i really don’t know what to do and who to ask for help anymore.
thank you for this amazing plugin and your time.
]]>How can I do that?
Are there any native function in WordPress?
]]>I have a client who needs a site that will randomly select a user[1] (of a specific role e.g. ‘subscriber’) and send (via email or notification) the name and picture of that user[1] to another randomly selected user[2].
This is for a large group of people playing the game ‘assassin’ (basically using soft dart guns and the like to assassinate each other).
The users cannot be selected twice – i.e. only one person sent to each user, but user[1] can have user[2] and vice versa.
The plugin must be able to be used more than once and not give the same results. All users must always get another user’s details.
I cannot find any plugins to help me and I am really bad at PHP, I have never made a plugin, I’m more of a theme designer.
I was thinking something like: array_rand() but i’m not sure how to use this with WP roles.