But how do I redirect to a secured website when I log in?
So people cannot copy the link and use it in another browser or send the link to someone else?
I’ve only found that after the log in you can redirect to another URL…
Hope my question is clear??
]]>I’ve gotten the frame to work on another page within this same site (https://www.boldmarketing.com/open-houses/) so I know the plugin is active, but this one doesn’t seem to work. Is it because the site is a secured site and mine is not? Any advice on how I can remedy this is greatly appreciated.
]]>System: Ubuntu 14.04, Apache 2, Mysql & PHP
]]>Thanks in advance! After a couple searches, I didn’t find much. Maybe I’m not searching the right terms, so any insight is extremely valuable!
]]>Same applies to the Recent Posts widget – It also shows secured posts links to non-logged in users.
Ideas – Suggestions?
]]>I want to use this Plugin for my Mobile App development but the moment I enable this plugin, the WP site content is open to the world in JSON format.
Is there a way to restrict the JSON API to selected source only? i.e allow the JSON ouput of the WP site only to my domain or IP Address?
I am planning to use the below in the WP’s .htaccess
# protect xmlrpc
<Files xmlrpc.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from 123.456.789
Allow from 321.654.987
Will this method restricts the JSON access?
]]>First of all, I really love this plugin, but I’ve had some trouble with secured pages that suddenly became public after assigning an user to it through the ‘Edit groups’ page.
I’ve debugged it a little and found out what the problem is. In CTXPS_Queries::add_membership($user_id,$group_id,$expiration) $user_id is 0. This will add a user with id 0 to the group in the table ps_group_relationships. This eventually messes up the page security.
But the main problems lies within the function CTXPS_Queries::get_user_id_by_username(). This function is the one that returns 0 because it assumes that user_login and user_nicename in the table users are equal after some sanitizing and filters, see below:
//Lets convert the request to a nicename (should be more reliable)
$username = sanitize_title( $username );
$username = apply_filters('pre_user_nicename', $username);
//lets run this thing...
$query = $wpdb->prepare('SELECT <code>ID</code> FROM <code>'.$wpdb->users.'</code> WHERE <code>user_nicename</code>=%s LIMIT 1',$username);
return $wpdb->get_var($query,0,0);
Adding a user to a group on the ‘Edit user’ page still works, but I think this should be fixed asap, since secured pages can become publicly this way.
]]>my website (https://panpost.com) has been having issues with CPU load. Below is the error message my host send to me:
“Account panpost.com exceeded allowed 70% CPU quota limit for more than 506 times. This is considered abnormal as it causes a high server load and overall slowdown. Website must be secured and optimized or removed form the server”
They aren’t increased traffic times, nor do i install any extra scripts apart from my earlier installed plugins.
I am using W3TC Cache and wp-optimize, I have disable some plugins but the problem is still there.
If anyone has any ideas on what to try, please help and let me know! Thanks!