What I see is Query by Categories, Authors and Order By.
Before now, there used to be a search query for individual courses. Was it removed?
]]>The search does not work – it seems to return all the pages and all the cars every time.
What should I do ? When I look at the pages I do see sumoselect.js and sumoselect.css includes present in the page.
]]>I am building a custom search query.
I want to extend the search to also include all the ACF custom fields associated with all the posts (including the custom posts). How do I archive this?
Whenever I search for any keyword, I could see irrelevant articles being listed first and some relevant articles are listed at the end.
It is clear that the articles with the search query in their title are more relevant and the one in the content. How to fix this?
]]>Basically, add a search query where they choose one of the products we offer when searching for a showroom near them and have those results display either by themselves or at the top of the list of results.
Can you let me know if this can be done at all?
Thank you!
]]>Now typing PG into search query field shows the PG events. Same applies to HG. But using simple boolean operators PG | HG (or PG AND HG) doesn’t work at all. Am I doing something wrong or …?
Here is the google calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=MDJyODY3dHU0NnBmb2Ewc2Nxcm1tdjN1bzBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ