I’m creating my first website, and encountering some difficulties with the responsiveness. I was hoping any wordpress experts might help me with the following:
I’m developing my site on my desktop. Here, everything looks great; all is aligned like how I set it and the font size is decent. However. Once I view my site on my (smaller screen laptop), it doesn’t at all look the same. The page goes almost from border to border (whereas on my desktop it has some breathing room on the sides), the font size is way larger, and it is not aligned with the images anymore. A great example of this can be seen on rianneriemensphotography.nl/werkwijze.
Interesting enough, if I reduce the screen size view on my laptop from the default 100% to 80%, it looks almost similar to how I intended it (and how it looks on my desktop). I know I can make specific changes for phone, tablet, and desktop. But how can I ensure that my site also looks like it should on a laptop, without users having to manually adjust the browser zoom (which no-one who just gets to your site will do)?
Thanks in advance! And happy holidays!!
]]>here are some screenshoots of the issue:
]]>I was wondering if any word press experts could please assist me with my issue that i’m having on my website.
I know that all screens, desktop and laptop are automatically set to 100% screen size view. However, when my laptop 15 inch is set to 100% the content of the website appears to be zoomed in, making the site (widgets, menu, layout size) look out of place, only if the laptop screen size is set to 80% does it then look normal. Though on my 24 inch desktop, the 100% screen view is all perfect. I know you make changes for phone, tablet and dektop, but i’d like to know how to make the website responsive for all different desktop screen sizes, big and small.
How do I do this?
Thanks in Advance,
I’m in transitional mode, trying to use an AMP-compatible menu on AMP Urls only.
Problem is, when I suppress that plugin for AMP, it disables it on the ‘big screen’ view which is not ideal for us. We use Max Mega Menu to display a long list of pages on wide screens (it would be awful to have one-column menus in this context). They don’t seem to have plans to make their plugin AMP compatible. I asked about this, here.
So I’m attempting to ‘turn on’ the native Genesis menu, which is AMP-compatible, but only when the screen gets small enough for that to make sense.
However, I feel like this would be useful in other contexts, too, to simplify things a lot without having to go ‘bare bones’ with Reader Mode. E.g. I can imagine using this method to take out non-AMP Gravity forms but only on smaller screen sizes, etc.
I’m not a heavy coder but I can manage code snippets and things like that. Any help you can offer would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you for making this plugin for everyone to use.
]]>I was wondering how to distinguish the data considering different screen sizes.
I have a few clicks that on larger screens seems to be in a empty space and I wonder if they referr to clicks on smaller size screen instead.
Does anyone know something about this?
Thanks in advance.
]]>The theme have a bug with entry-background div inside a post detail.
The image of the post are broken between 768px and 785px screen width sizes.
I think that the issue is between media query that is apply on “screen and (min-width: 768px)” and the javascript that gives the height to the container.
The Javascript that gives the height applies on 785px and the media query applies on 768px. The solution is that both should applies at same time.
]]>The plugin is simple and great.
Is there something we can try in the css for the gallery to adjust to different screen sizes?.
Best regards,
Thanks in advance for your support!
]]>I tried to use CSS to make header responsive, but it then doesn’t suit the site qropsspecialists.com on mobile.
I want to write different headers for the different screen sizes. i.e. upload a different header for mobile, tablet, PC, etc.
Is this possible?