I set to run scheduled import hourly but it’s not working as expected. Can you please help?
]]>my scheduled facebook import isn’t working anymore since about 20 days – even if I click on “import now” within the scheduled imports list it doesnt work. I get the message “Scheduled import has been run successfully” but in the import history there are no new imports neither I have the new events in my events manager. The strange thing here is that in the scheduled import list below each “Import now” button I have the note “Import is running in Background”
But if I import manually everything is fine – I guess there must be a failure since the update.
Does anyone else have the problem?
I have woocommerce with some products, i want to find one plugin to import many products from an online XML file (With URL).
I want to make scheduled (every day) import from online XML and i want to change some of prices for some product categories, to increase the price 30%.
You know anyone plugin or woocommerce add-on to make this?
]]>I have woocommerce with some products, i want to find one plugin to import many products from an online XML file (With URL).
I want to make scheduled (every day) import from online XML and i want to change some of prices for some product categories, to increase the price 30%.
You know anyone plugin or woocommerce add-on to make this?
]]>If items are scheduled to import – how do they affect items that already exist with information that has been modified? For example, with KAMAR an event may have the Title, Location, From and To Dates and Times, and possibly Details (Description). Once in the website calendar, if the Title or Description is altered, will that information be overwritten if a scheduled import recognises a change in KAMAR to an event date and re-imports? Note that the website event item may have images and rich text editing applied or added.
Or will only the altered information be updated i.e. Date?
Or will it import it as a new item?
Will the scheduled import automatically import any new items?
Will the scheduled import recognise if an event has been deleted from KAMAR (the Feed) and remove from the website?
The website calendar also has more items than the Feed, for example, Event Categories i.e. “Sport”. Featured Image, Location that is a venue with google map address, Event Cost etc. How are these handled?
]]>We are importing the shows into posts that are displayed on the aggregated site. Right now my client has to manually import any new shows.
We would love to be able to maintain a table of podcast feeds (from a variety of sources) and set an update schedule whereupon any new episodes are automatically imported and the associated posts created.