Specifically I would like to move the published, author, categories, and comments from the left of the post to the bottom of the post. And ultimately creating the post below the title instead of right justified.
Also, I would like to move the menu from the footer to the right of the post. In essence, creating 2 columns.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you!
]]>Thank you.
]]>I’ve been developing a site for a local charity.
I’ve used the Sator-ii 1.0 as the basis, but I’ve messed around with the code a little.
I’ve uploaded the website to my address for testing:
And because I use Chrome exclusively I did not realise until now the theme will not show up in firefox or ie.
I have looked around and seen other people have used the sator-ii theme succesfully in firefox and ie, is there something specific needs changing in the theme? or have I messed around with the code too much and broke it?
]]>Is there something else that I am doing incorrectly? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciate, thanks!
]]>I am trying to edit the footer for my site https://www.freedownloadmusicblog.com/
In the widgets menu i have removed all widgets from the sidebar but they still appear in the footer, im only guessing the sidebar widgets menu in admin controls the footer as this is where blogroll, search, archives etc appear.
I would like to remove the footer completely and try to add some of the widgets to a horizontal sidebar, but i am not sure if this theme is capable of it.
please help
See the image below to get a better idea
]]>When I set the gallery effect in the NextGEN Gallery options to anything other than none — i.e. Thickbox, Lightbox or so on — clicking on an image in a gallery results in two photograph pop-up windows opening. The one on top will be Thickbox or Lightbox, but behind it is the default window that appears when None is selected. You have to close both to return to the webpage.
How can I ensure that turning on a different effect turns *off* the default/none effect, so only one iteration of the photo window opens?
The theme I’m using is satorii and I found mention of one other person having this problem with that theme; could there be a connection, and if so, how would I address that?
Thanks so much for any help.
]]>i’m using the Satorii theme (which is based on Sandbox) and i absolutely adore 95% of it – the part that’s bugging me is that the comments seem to appear in the footer (or in something styled like the footer) and it just looks really weird to me. i’d like them to appear in pretty much the same format as the post – something like this. (scroll down to see comments.) nothing fancy.
so that’s my main issue right now; in a perfect world i’d also like to see what it would look like to move the post meta stuff from the left side of the entry to the bottom (again, nothing fancy – this would be just fine) but that’s not really keeping me up at night.
links to my current code, in case it helps:
and this is what the whole thing looks like now. any assistance would be massively appreciated. thanks!
]]>the code is here:
if ( count($post->ancestors) === 0 ) //if it's a top-level page, we'll show all it's children
echo substr(wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&child_of=' . $post->ID .'&echo=0&title_li=<h3 class="page-links-title">' . get_the_title($post->ID) . '</h3>'), 20, -5);
} elseif ( count($post->ancestors) === 1 ) //if it's a second level, we'll show all its parents' children
echo substr(wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&child_of=' . $post->ancestors[0] . '&echo=0&title_li=<h3 class="page-links-title">' . get_the_title($post->ancestors[0]) . '</h3>'), 20, -5);
} else //if page it's more than two levels deep, we'll show all of its top-level ancestor's children
echo substr(wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&child_of=' . $post->ancestors[1] . '&echo=0&title_li=<h3 class="page-links-title">' . get_the_title($post->ancestors[1]) . '</h3>'), 20, -5);
i have tried lots of variation but i cant solve it