Tried to import some products from a csv file, but the plugin cannot import the products that have same title.
Can you please tell me how i can solve this?
Thank you
]]>I tried to find the answer from other resolved questions, but I didn’t see such question.
I am trying this plugin on free version, maybe that is why it doesn’t work?
The problem is this:
If the title for the first image is ABC, then the image file name becomes abc.jpg. But the problem is with the second image with a title ABC, then the plugin is unable to rename the filename, because it already exists. So my question is – can I make it to automatically rename to abc2.jpg, then other posts with same title ABC would have abc2.jpg, abc3.jpg, abc4.jpg and so on..
Thank you.
]]>Two pages with the same title is certainly not correct and I assume it will cause some link confusion and seo trouble.
The othe pages are set to show blog tile before the site name which should be fine. I have tried redoing the pages, recreating them by hand, turning the seo off and on. No happiness.
Also, I have searched and searched and I can’t seem to find an answer while others are also having this trouble, and end up using an SEO pack. Even then the trouble persists for some using the pack.
It does not seem to be theme.
Anyone find a solution for this that won’e cause too much trouble in the future. Perhaps a lind of code to print the title to each page?
The home page could stay perhaps the blog should read:
Blog >> The Logical Choice
or should the blog have the site name only? I am uncertain.
feel free to look:
Thank you very much!
I have a multisite installation with, currently, three seperate blogs. The problem I’m running into is some weird behaviour from the My Sites hover over action. It lists all the sites as the one currently active, or the first one if on the network admin page.
It’s best to see the issue. See the pic.
Clicking on them seems to go to their sites, if I knew what they were. I’ve had some behaviour where it would go to the same site, however. This screenshot is taken from Google Chrome, without any plugins running (Network Deactivated). I’ve confirmed it happens in IE as well.
Kevin ‘Demortes’ Dethlefs-Moreno
Check this at
I’m using Yoast’s SEO Plugin with a Title taxonomy such us %%title%% | %%sitename%%
This is very very strange!