]]>I had installed the Sahifa theme but there were some issues with the Custom Menu. So I deleted the complete folder, also looked for sahifa strings in de DB and found 7, also deleted those.
So I now have Twenty Fifteen installed and that is the only theme also.
But it still shows the Sahifa theme on my Static Page, however when I go to one of my woocommerce catagories, it shows the Twenty Fifteen theme.
Another strange thing is that I selected in Settings -> Reading, Your latest post, but that also doesn’t show.
So basicly I have two different WP themes, which is almost impossible unless you have an multiple WP, but that isn’t the case here.
Anyone can help me out on this one?
In that post are the tabs of theme and the comments doesn’t work.
The only thing is added when i use the tabs, its this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery("ul.tabs-nav").tabs("> .pane"); });
<div class="post-tabs">
<ul class="tabs-nav">
<li> Título de la Pesta?a 1 </li>
<li> Título de la Pesta?a 2 </li>
<li> Título de la Pesta?a 3 </li>
<div class="pane">Pesta?a 1 | Tu Contenido</div>
<div class="pane">Pesta?a 2 | Tu Contenido</div>
<div class="pane">Pesta?a 3 | Tu Contenido</div>
And the other post when tabs of the theme are not used, the comments are showen perfectly. So can you help to solve this problem?. Beforehand sorry for my english, I speak spanish.
]]>Is jquery easy to install on WordPress (I have the Sahifa theme)? Any pitfalls or important things I should know before purchasing?
Found a few but am not sure if installation will be easy or hard and I am not a WordPress expert.