No itunes:type tag in feed. The default setting is episodic.
Apple Podcasts Connect is also rejecting my feed on validation, with this error message:
Type – This field is required
I see in the RSS source that there is an extra indentation before the itunes:type field. Could this be causing the validators to skip over it?
“Episodic” is supposed to be the default value for this field, but apparently Apple Podcasts Connect now requires it to be explicitly stated in the feed before it can be validated and submitted to Apple for review. *grumble*
]]>I currently run two podcasts on using the powerpress plugin. Since these are two distinct podcasts, we’re using categories to publish them separately from our website. We’ve been using powerpress for quite a few years with no issue.
However today I’m noticing that both podcasts (linked below) do not display episodes, and when I try to validate I get an error (also to follow).
Podcast Links:
RSS Validation error:
X FATAL: Found zero items with a valid enclosure tag. Cannot validate. Did not finish feed tests.
X WARNING: Found 53 items with multiple enclosures. Only one is allowed per item.
Link to Validations:
I notice when I disable the autooptimize plugin on the website the uses of the powerpress category playlist tags show the episodes, however when enabled they don’t appear.
I tried validation with the plugin disabled, but it still gives the same errors.
Any help in fixing this is greatly appreciated!
]]>I have some issues with the RSS feed on my website. When I try to validate the feed on several different RSS validators, it come out with the following error:
“It looks like this is a web page, not a feed. I looked for a feed associated with this page, but couldn’t find one. Please enter the address of your feed to validate.”
I’ve tried several ‘fixes’ to common errors with the RSS on WordPress and none of them have worked. Seeing if there’s any weird code on the functions.php file of my theme, deactivating all the plugins, installing and using RSS Feed Fix, and nothing seems to work.
Any of you have experienced an issue like this before?
I appreciate any kind of help or idea you may have.
My website is
]]>I didn’t realise until today that my RSS feed broke about a month ago. After some detective work I realised it coincided with the time I installed the your plugin.
When I tried to validate my RSS feed as it validated fine, but Feedburner kept giving me a message
An error occurred connecting to the URL: internal error
Since I’ve deactivated your plugin and validated the RSS feed as everything works fine.
Maybe there’s nothing you can do about this, but I thought I’d let you know.
However this does not validate and I get the message from Feed Validator:
This feed does not validate.
line 13, column 16: lastBuildDate must be an RFC-822 date-time: [help]
I have no idea how to fix this. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
]]>This page contains the following errors:
error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
my blog url is –
I have tried all the possible edits to find the blank space but not succeeded. please help to resolve the rss issue.
why tring to view source of this error file found,,
2. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><rss version=”2.0″
[Open Doors] fails
[Open_Doors] works
I suggest you improve input validation.
]]>I am trying to get this fixed and keep running into issues with feedburner. The error is:
error on line 679 at column 67: Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
Bytes: 0x05 0x20 0x66 0x6F
The site link and the feed link are below. This uses a Themify theme – Suco. and
Any ideas on this?
]]>I successfully connected my Facebook RSS feed to the RSS widget simply by finding the RSS feed from Facebook and setting up the RSS widget in my sidebar. Everything worked great. It grabbed how ever many recent status updates I wanted. However, Now that I updated my status on Facebook, the RSS widget doesn’t seem to update with the newest status. I ran an RSS validator on my feed here: I get a few errors in the Facebook RSS feed but nothing that should halt WordPress from refreshing the feed I think. Just need some help. Thoughts?
]]>I get this error:
line 497, column 224: Invalid character in a URI: ' '
which refers to this chunk of the RSS feed:
But though the rattling, banging, ink-smudging contraptions will likely retain a place in the hearts of a romantic rear-guard, the “closed” sign in the window of Kehlet’s makes it official. (sigh)
and here’s the feed address:
Those HTML character entities (curly quotes) shouldn’t cause a problem, should they? They occur in other places in this feed, as well as in others.
Strangely, though, those “curly quotes” are being entered in WP as straight hash marks … I don’t understand how or what is turning them into curlies.
Any idea what is going on, and better yet, how I can fix it?
Thanks for looking …