The forum
]]>I’m sure there’s a lot of you in the WordPress community who have some sort of forum software connected to your WordPress site/blog. You might be running punBB, phpBB, SMF, Vanilla, bbPress or one of the forum plugins activeted directly from the WordPress backend such as Simple Forum or XDForum.
For those of you who’ve messed around with the plugin versions of different forum software I’m also quite sure that you’ve stumpled across RS Discuss, developed by Rob Sargant.
This plugin, which is still in beta, was last updated 2006-08-03 and it makes me sad and go boom boom with my head into the wall.
You see, and no offense to Simple Forum and XDWeb, this is probably the most sweet, lightweight and usable forum plugin for WordPress to this date, at least when it comes to what I want from a forum: create multiple forums, rss-subscribtion to both topics and forums, search, user profiles and… well, that’s about it and that’s what I like. Simple, short and sweet. Oh, and it integrates beautiful in your current WordPress theme which means no more double theming for both your site AND your forum.
On top of this, it has probably the best backend administration of all the forum plugins I’ve tried and the installation always works like a charm.
However, since it was developed for WordPress 2.0, or perhaps 2.1, there are some issues with the current version. I’m running it on WordPress 2.3 and everything is fine when it comes to installation, creating and maintaining forums in the backend, starting and replying to topics and rss-subscribtion to forums and topics.
However, there are two things that doesn’t work. The first one is viewing user profiles and the second one is searching. And this kind of bothers me since I asume it’s not that big of a deal to correct.
I looked over the code and tried to find the errors but unfortunately it was a little bit above my coding knowledge.
Soooo… to conlude this huge wall of text my suggestion is as follows:
Would anyone be interested in continuing the development of RS Discuss, of course with the permission from Rob Sargant, or perhaps just take a look at the code and see what’s bothering the search and profile pages? If you do I will love you long time! Also, if anyone decides to carry on the development, an edit post-function for registered users would be nice to have.
]]>You can get to my forum at:
But notice that if you click on either of the forums available, either on the page or in the sidebar, their URLs are not valid. They do not take you anywehere.
If anyone who has this plugin installed would have any advice for me, I would definitely appreciate it.
]]>i have spent three weeks trying to get a forum onto my new blog.
XDForum: No option in admin to edit/add trheads/topics and the actual forum page claims it cant be displayed because that page has been deleted. “sorry the page you looking for have been deleted” couldnt get any help and when i register so i can ask for help in the forum, i never get an email with my password
WP-Forum: This one looked promising and well done, however, again with the no way of adding topics and threads. the instructions say that the options are in the ‘manage’ menu in the admin… but no dice. couldnt get any help and when i register so i can ask for help in the forum, i never get an email with my password
RS-Discuss: more of a discussion board than a forum but everything worked fine. it is just missing the option to add threads. it just has topics that people can comment on
simple-forum: everything goes fine until i try to actually view my forum and see that nothing is their. i get the title and such, but no actual forum
So i am concidering using phpBB because i understand their are plugins for wordpress intigration. How good are these plugins? will they use the same users/members from my wordpress as members of phpBB?
]]>URL for page with error:
I use the K2 theme. Firebug appears ro refer to an error in the k2/js/livesearch.js.php file (line 22):
$(this.searchform) has no properties
initialize(“searchform”, “s”, “dynamic-content”, “current-content”, “”, “&s=”, “searchload”, “Type and Wait to Search”, “searchreset”, “searchsubmit”, “go”)livesearch.js.php (line 22)
create()prototype.js.php (line 24)
(no name)()blogg (line 36)
[Break on this error] $(this.searchform).innerHTML = ‘<input type=”text” id=”‘+this.attachitem+'” na…
Imgage of problem here:
The site is here:
]]>I recently installed the new RS-Discuss: This is an abslutely superb plugin/widget, but it will only work for me if I turn off custom permalinks.
Is there a way of using default permalinks for some functions only, i.e. the forum? Can I specify default permalinks for all those occurring after , but retain custom permalinks for all other parts of the site?
Any help would be much appreciated.
]]>Is this forum available as a plugin/add-on? I’ve looked at bbpress, but I’m not sure bbpress and this forum are the same thing.
Also, integrating this forum (or bbpress) with wp, so existing users don’t have to register twice would be very nice. Could anyone point me in the right direction? bbpress itself is hardly documented and googling for things like “forum plugin” or “wordpress forum plugin” give me forums ON plugins not a forum plugin.
Added: clicking my own tags sent me in the right direction:
I’ll read some more first. Thanks.