calls retrieve_translation_details
on each request, apparently the caching doesn’t work.
Edit: It doesn’t work when the locale is de_DE_formal
, as no such formal is currently available as plugin translation. However, in this case this plugin should not make a request on every single WordPress request! This slows down the site very noticeably.
Edit 2: The fix for this issue is to compare the first part of the locale (aa_BB) and the second part (aa_BB_[CC]) independently when determining the right locale set to use.
Modification of i18nHelper.php; function retrieve_translation_details (l. 258):
private function retrieve_translation_details() {
$branch = '/stable';
$locale_id = $this->locale;
$locale_parts = explode( '_', $this->locale );
$locale_slug = 'default';
if(count( $locale_parts ) === 3) {
$locale_slug = array_pop( $locale_parts );
$locale_id = implode( '_', $locale_parts );
if (!EnvManager::is_plugin_in_production_mode()) {
$branch = '/dev';
$api_url = '' . LWS_PLUGIN_SLUG . $branch;
try {
Quota::verify('', 'GET');
$args = array();
$args['user-agent'] = LWS_PLUGIN_AGENT;
$args['timeout'] = get_option('live_weather_station_system_http_timeout');
$resp = wp_remote_get($api_url, $args);
$body = wp_remote_retrieve_body($resp);
if ($body) {
$body = json_decode($body);
$this->cpt = 0;
if (isset($body)) {
foreach ($body->translation_sets as $set) {
if ($set->percent_translated >= $this->percent_min) {
$this->cpt += 1;
if (!property_exists($set, 'wp_locale')) {
if ($locale_id == $set->wp_locale && $locale_slug == $set->slug) {
return $set;
return null;
catch (\Exception $e) {
return null;
]]>i′m writing a plugin. But i have a problem with the install routine.
When i want to activate the plugin, i get the error “Das Plugin kann nicht aktiviert werden, da es einen fatalen Fehler erzeugt.” that means “The plugin cannot be activated. It caused a fatal error.”
But i see no error message.
I′ve tried a lot.
// multiside installation
function ecp_activate($networkwide) {
global $wpdb;
if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite()) {
if ($networkwide) {
$old_blog = $wpdb->blogid;
$blogids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM $wpdb->blogs");
foreach ($blogids as $blog_id) {
// single installation
// install function
function ecp_install(){
global $wpdb;
$ecp_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT******and so on*****
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'ecp_activate' );
Whats wrong?
Best regards
if (have_posts()) :
$c = 0; while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); $c++;
if ( $c == 1) {
$style = “current first”;
elseif ( $c == count( $posts ) ) {
$style = “last”; } /*
elseif ( $c == 2 ) {
$style = “”; }*/
else $style =’dispa’;
$images =& get_children( array (
‘post_parent’ => $post->ID,
‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’
foreach ( $images as $attachment_id => $attachment ) {
?><div <?php post_class($style) ?>id =”post_<?php echo $post->ID;?>”><?php echo wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id, ‘large’ ); }
?><div <?php post_class(‘mezzanine ‘ . $style) ?>><?php $description = $attachment->post_content;
echo $description;
else :
echo wpautop( ‘Sorry, no posts were found’ );
The result of this is to show the attachement image that is directly attached to the current post.
I want to show the posts / posts attachments in random order though i noticed that adding the ‘orderby’ => ‘rand’ function is not helping.
Does anyone could help me with this?
Thank you in advance
if you want to see the actual result you can go on
The blog I need help with is
]]>I′d like to know if it is possible to add routine rideshares as well, which is probably the most important thing for me… This way, the user would be able to select the days which he′s interested in finding rideshares, time, and also possibility of return..
This feature deals with work, college, and other ordinary tasks as well, the day-to-day life basically. If not, would it be too hard to implement such things?
Thank you.
]]>I have a fundamental question:
Is the following work routine ok?
– I download the wordpress files to my local PC
– I develop on my localhost xampp server the page
– I upload everything on the webserver via FTP and make it running online
– Now I have an installation locally and online of the same files
– Files online change from time to time (think of plugin updates, automatic wordpress update, user uploads, …)
– Everytime I make a change to a php file locally, I upload it via FTP to see the changes
I’m working for years now with this routine and I wonder if it is the best way to manage it. Especially I don’t like it, that locally I perhaps have an outdated version of the files (if they change online).
How do you work day to day on your Sites?
Thanks in advance