Any thoughts?
I use the Role Manager PlugIn to manage my Users.
Here is my info….
WordPress-Version : 2.3.3
WordPress-Db-Version : 6124
Role-Manager-Version : 02.02.01 (131585)
PHP-Version : 4.4.2-1+b1
What code can I put into the core file users.php or maybe another plugin or something that makes it where no one can mess with the Admin.
Basically, I am the Admin and setting the WP up for another person, but I don’t want them to be able to toy with the Plugins and Themes and screw something up, but I do want them to be able to have control over users, except me.
Is this possible?
I have a clients site that has 4 main categories, and 4 sub cats to each main. I need to be able to post private posts in any of them, where subscribers and admins (those are the only two roles in use) can read them, but those not logged in cannot. So far, when I’ve made private posts, they can only be seen by the person who’s posted them when viewing the site logged in. When logged in as a subscriber, they do not appear.
I’ve tried Owen’s role mgr plugin, thinking it would allow me to set subscribers to read private posts, but it doesn’t…
any ideas on this? it’s pretty urgent…