When my User Frontend form in frontend contains a “Post Content” field with Rich Text or Teeny Rich Text selected, when someone insert a link inside this field, he can see all the pages / item / article of the website and creating a link to them.
This is anoying, and I really need to use a WYSIWYG editor for my form.
Here is an example :
Is there any way to disable this option please ?
Thank you
This plugin only has two options, the number of photos displayed and whether or not to show captions. Even though this limits the user to the automatic size of the images, if you need something quick and dirty, this is a great solution.
I didn’t like how the background color of the captions has CSS to make it appear black, but this was easily fixed with one custom CSS class: .simple-instagram-caption
Currently using this plugin with WordPress 4.8.7
]]>I would like to disable the wpautop filter on a specific ad for the “Ad Type: Rich Content.”
Many attempts at adding functions.php code like the example below have not worked.
* Snippet Name: Remove wpautop only for custom post types
* Snippet URL: https://www.wpcustoms.net/snippets/remove-wpautop-custom-post-types/
function wpc_remove_autop_for_posttype( $content )
// edit the post type here
'advanced_ads' === get_post_type() && remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'wpc_remove_autop_for_posttype', 0 );
I have also tried other plug-ins and functions that target the specific post using a custom field, with no success. Maybe the ad content is stored under something other than “the_content” or maybe I am going wrong somewhere else?
Please let me know if you have any ideas.
]]>When creating panels from posts, I saw there’s an option to include the post content in the panel.
Does this mean that Rich Content from the WYSIWYG editor will appear inside of the panel? And if so, what happens to overflow?