Firstly, thank you for this plugin, it is straightforward and very useful.
We noticed that structured data is not fully supported. Namely, we were not able to find a way to add baseSalary
information to our job posts.
Can you advise us on how to provide this field to our job postings? Base salary is important part of job offers and we would really like to have it in our structured data.
– Can we do this via user interface?
– If not, can we write a custom hook to extend structured data model?
– We examined whole support forum for this issue and found one which is 4 years old, see here There you mentioned that you are working on add-on plugin to support structured data. Is this plugin available?
Kind regards,
]]>I want to be able to purge Varnish from W3TC.
Here the VCL which is advice for PURGE on Varnish website:
acl purge {
sub vcl_recv {
# allow PURGE from localhost and 192.168.55...
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
if (!client.ip ~ purge) {
error 405 "Not allowed.";
return (lookup);
sub vcl_hit {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
error 200 "Purged.";
sub vcl_miss {
if (req.request == "PURGE") {
error 200 "Purged.";
As you can see, PURGE on Varnish 3.0 is based on hash definition because PURGE operation is on hit / miss.
Also, the default VCL for hash sub-routine is :
sub vcl_hash {
if ( {
} else {
return (hash);
As you can see, the hash operation is based on the HTTP Host or IP. Because, +99% of our HTTP Clients use domain.tld, the hash is really based on HTTP Host.
The problem is, that W3TC use Varnish servers IP to send the PURGE HTTP Request.
Example :
– Send HTTP Purge to https://w.x.y.z/my-post (Where w.x.y.z) is a Varnish IP.
In this case, Varnish try to get object from cache using the w.x.y.z & my-post.
This couldn’t work..
W3TC to be more generic have to deal with the Varnish IP because an IT could have many Varnish server. But, It should deal also with the “WordPress Address” define in the general panel of WP Admin.
Here an functional example with cURL in CLI.
– curl -X PURGE -x https://w.x.y.z:80 https://domain.tld/my-post
PS : I could use “domain.tld” inside Varnish server declaration. But in this case, what about an IT with 1 or + Varnish server with a Load Balancer before Varnish cluster ?
]]>I just posted an article regarding building update notifications into themes and plugins.
I’m interested in comments and criticisms from the WordPress plugins community, please do take a look. Thanks!
]]>Ooops POP3: premature NOOP OK, NOT an RFC 1939 Compliant server
Is there any way to fix this on WP?