” and you have to search for “http:\\/\\/mysite\.d\.mydomain\.com\\/wp-content\\/uploads\\/revslider” instead, some others correctly matches strings like “/wp-content/uploads/revslider” without escaping chars at all (!?)…. When forced to use escaping chars in the search string, the “Details” link won’t show the preview table correctly BTW.
Hope someone will continue it one day.
]]>I have an wordpress installation with RevSlider Plugin, there Fira Sans and Roboto from google are used.
I used to download and copy it to my site. That means I create a local_fira_sans.css and local_roboto.css with the content of the webfont helper css output, but replaced the font-family with “local Fira Sans” and “local Roboto”.
I add the CSS files to “Global Custom Fonts” in RevSlider and select the new “local” Fonts for textfields in my slides and disable “Google Font Download” in the RevSlider settings too.
It seems it works well, as “Network Console” of FireFox/Chrome doesn’t show any google content anymore and public “google font” checker couldn’t find any google fonts loading.
However, if I activate this plugin, the local copies are not loaded anymore.
Removing the line `remove_action( ‘wp_footer’, array( ‘RevSliderFront’, ‘load_google_fonts’ ) ); from the plugin helps.
For me it looks like that revslider ‘load_google_fonts’ does more than just load google fonts. Is that right?
Or did I something wrong/miss something?
I have inherited a problem that has been born by negelect it seems. The website was setup a while ago by others and has never really been maintained. I ended up getting the uneviable task of fixing a contact form, but couldn’t log in properly caused by an old plugin.
I have disabled them and since managed to log back in but cannont reactivate the old RevSlider version that cause the original issue, I get the error message below :
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /home/customer/www/ Stack trace: #0 /home/customer/www/ RevSliderBaseAdmin::addMetaBox('Revolution Slid...', '', Array, NULL) #1 /home/customer/www/ RevSliderAdmin->addSliderMetaBox() #2 /home/customer/www/ RevSliderAdmin->init() #3 /home/customer/www/ RevSliderAdmin->__construct('/home/customer/...') #4 /home/customer/www/ include_once('/home/customer/...') #5 /home/customer/www/ in /home/customer/www/ on line 71
It seems from googling so far that it is something to do with it referring to a string not an array, but i haven’t really got sufficient understanding to correct it and not found an exact equivalent. Is it possible to make a modification to the code to allow it to be reavtivated and return the sliders and images in the short term.
Many thanks !
]]><div class="input-filled">[text* your-name placeholder "Your name*"]</div>
<div class="input-filled">[email* your-email placeholder "Your mail*"]</div>
<div class="input-filled">[text* your-phone placeholder "Phone*"]</div>
<div class="input-filled">[select* your-subject "2BHK Apartment" "3BHK Apartment" "4BHK Apartment" "3BHK Villa" "4BHK Villa" "5BHK Villa"]</div>
<div class="input-filled"><button type="submit" class="wpcf7-submit btn btn-block"><i class="fac fac-check-circle space-right"></i>Consult today</button></div>