I have a wordpress installation in one of my local server and I need to allow certain pages in the website only to certain people.
I’m planning to add my Active directory to the wordpress using some plugin (probably the one from miniOrange). My question is, is there a way to allow only some users in the AD to access some particular pages in the site?
I’m guessing a combination of one or two plugins should achieve the goal but I’m new to wordpress and couldn’t find a good solution online for a newbie.
Thanks in advance:)
]]>I’m working on a site – www.the1810company.co.uk
and I have an area of the site called the ‘trade portal’
which I have a specific menu set up for.
This menu only appears if users are logged in as ‘wholesale customers’
which is great and exactly how it should work.
Issue I have is that all pages within this section are supposed to only be viewable by logged in users, but if you were to stumble on one of these pages in a google search then non users can see these pages.
For instance this page – https://www.the1810company.co.uk/credit-application/
is for wholesale customers to use to apply for a trade account. But currently non logged in users can see the page also.
What should happen here with non logged in users?
Should they be redirected to the login page or a 404?
Im stuck, send help!
]]>When an unauthorised person accesses a particular page that is setup with restrictions based on MEMBERS – Role being MEMBERSHIP2021 within your plugin, it just shows blank (which is OK I suppose) but HOW can I show a simple “You are NOT authorised to view this page” OR redirect to a particular page or something, when someone unauthorised tries to view the page ?
I am trying to rule out also in case Google picks up on a page that NO-ONE else is supposed to see (unless they are an authorised MEMBER) and IF someone finds it and clicks on it, that they at least get a message “You are NOT authorised to view this page” or something. They are NOT allowed to view the content at all so at least if we get a message clearly then it is piece of mind for all of us.
ALSO can we restrict All Shop Pages ONLY (Woocommerce) for Logged in Users in the MEMBERS – Role being MEMBERSHIP2021 ?
ALSO can your plugin CLOSE the SHOP completely when not required ? Is there a setting for that (I am guessing no but thought I would ask). My client doesn’t want the public to see ANYTHING in the SHOP pages at all ever .. so if I restrict with your pluginn the WHOLE SHOP that would work … and then my client ONLY wants sell to the MEMBERS 4 times a year (for 2 weeks at a time) and that’s all. Is this a possibility to CLOSE THE SHOP completely for EVERYONE with your plugin ?
Thanks in advance
I’m currently producing a website for a client and they require a small ‘members’ area. The numbers of members will be very small and almost all data entry (member details, updates etc.) will be done by myself.
I’ve been looking at membership plugins and it seems the majority or too advanced for what I need. I simply need a system that allows me to create a selection of pages that requires a one-time log in to view. Because membership is purchased outside of the website I also need the plugin to only allow admins to make new member accounts
Thank you in advance,
]]>I installed AAM and want to restrict users in the backend for certain pages. I have about 50 pages. When I go to post & pages in AAM -> access control, I only see the posts and no pages…
Kind regards
Any thoughts on how I can get this done?
I tried Role Scoper which would help so a user only accesses their pages and I also tried Revisionary so they would need to submit changes for review but if I make the users “Revisors” then they see all the pages.
Ideas? Thank you!
]]>Any thoughts on how I can get this done?
I tried Role Scoper which would help so a user only accesses their pages and I also tried Revisionary so they would need to submit changes for review but if I make the users “Revisors” then they see all the pages.
Ideas? Thank you!
]]>Is there any plugin wherein i can restrict a particular section with page and it’s corresponding sub-pages from the normal users?
What i want is there should be a section with pages & sub-pages which should be password protected and unless and until a user is logged in, he should not be able to see any of the pages & it’s corresponding sub-pages.