I recently had someone fix some minor errors to my website. Unfortunately he managed to disrupt my product page and is now no longer responding.
All my product info and photos are shifted to the left. This error occurs on every product on desktop view. Please can someone help me fix this?
It looks like I lost some styling and a banner picture that was part of the header. Also, we had a menu sidebar on the left, not it has moved to the right side. There is also a line (shadowing) down the middle of the page.
I am assuming this is a result of the theme upgrade. I would like to revert to the version of the default theme I had, but have no idea how to do it.
I am new to site management and word press and was not involved in the original setup and design.
Thank you for any and all help provided!
]]>I was trying to change something on my site. I found a suggestion on the forum, I’d have to remove some code in the single page (page.php) in the editor. I selected my child theme but forgot to click ‘select’. Now I’ve deleted part of the original page.php in my editor and my site has partly disappeared. I don’t know how to fix it. Could anyone give me the content of this page.php so that I can restore it? My theme is twenty-fifteen, my site is metaheemskerk.com
Thanks a lot!
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Is there any way to restore this theme? using some tools maybe?
Thank you
Now ideally I would like to just restore the old theme. It was pretty fresh so I didn’t have any backups, and I also didn’t have any sort of backup protection on the drive I am using for my localhost. I thought it was strange because the update didn’t just replace files but also deleted directories. Does anyone know what happens to these old files and directories during an update? Do I just need to suck it up and start from scratch again?
]]>after move site from local to host and import DB ( edit all local address to my host name too )
i lose the setting of panel and some widgets !!!
how this happened ? where there setting hide ? whats the easiest way to keep and move these setting too ?