I did try to create an HTML email in the CF7 interface with a table and placed the individual form fields into the table. That produced this in the email message. They were in a table in the email just not shown here since my screen caps aren’t showing.:
Equipment List
Model No
Part No
row(1): model 1
row(2): model 2
row(1): 91839483948
row(2): 12309090
row(1): 10
row(2): 20
row(1): product 1
row(2): product 2
This is a very complex plugin to master. Is there a filter I can use where you can remove the row(1) and row(2) notations? All of the other fields in my form worked fine, except this repeater field. I don’t want to write the entire form in the functions.php file. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Has this been progressed any further yet as it would be an amazing feature to have in GeoDirectory CPTs.
]]>I just want to ask– if Repeater Fields is now available in Pods?
]]>How can I display pods repeatable fields in Elementor?
Thank you.
]]>I want to ask for 3 Feature Requests:
1.) SECTION FIELD: This Field allows you to Group Fields in Sections, and gives them a Heading or Title. See it here— https://snipboard.io/i6gu0z.jpg
2.) CONDITIONAL LOGIC: This allows us to show or hide certain fields, if certain Conditions are met.
3.)REPEATER FIELD: This enables the User to capture more Data with the same Field Type.
I know that the creator(s) of Contact Form 7 understand what I have asked.
Would you add these Features as an update, or an upgrade very soon?
]]>There are two fields in a single repeater field, Question and Answer. I am able to get a unique like button for each Q&A through:
echo do_shortcode('[wp_ulike for="comment" id="'. $post_id .''. $qaid .'"]');
where $qaid is an integer unique to each Q&A down the page and then post ID keeps it unique to that interview page.
What I need now is to display the most popular Q&A’s throughout all interviews. This works fine for the most popular posts (interviews).
I am able to get all Q&A’s to list on a single page through php but it does not sort by likes.
$answer_query = new WP_Query(
$post__in = wp_ulike_get_popular_items_ids(array(
'type' => 'comment',
'status' => 'like',
'period' => 'all',
'is_normal' => 'false',
'limit' => '5'
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'post__in' => $post__in,
'post_type' => 'interview',
'orderby' => 'post__in',
'order' => 'DESC'
while ($answer_query->have_posts()): $answer_query->the_post();
if( have_rows('interview') ):
while( have_rows ('interview') ): the_row();
// Questions and Answers
if( get_sub_field('question')){
$question = get_sub_field('question');
if( get_sub_field('answer')){
$answer = get_sub_field('answer');
if( get_sub_field('qaid')){
$qaid = get_sub_field('qaid');
$post_id = get_the_ID();
echo '<div class="question_container">';
echo '<div class="question"><h3>' . $question . '</h3></div>';
echo do_shortcode('[wp_ulike id="'. $post_id .''. $qaid .'"]');
echo '<div class="answer">' . $answer . '</div>';
echo '</div>';
]]>I have built an Elementor Single Page template for my recipe post type, and I’m trying to display the repeater fields (the preparation steps) using the Elementor Widget called ‘Pods – List Items’.
I have created a template and everything seems to work fine, but this:
Instead of showing the repeater fields of the current recipe only, ‘Pods – List Items’ shows all of the repeater fields for all the recipes in the website altogether.
How can it be solved?
Thank you.