I installed woocommerce in a multisite install under /cart/.
I added the the following to my wp-config.php
/** To fully remove all WooCommerce data from your WordPress site.
/** define( ‘WC_REMOVE_ALL_DATA’, true );
I uninstalled woocommerce deleted the /cart/ site, but forgot to uncomment define( ‘WC_REMOVE_ALL_DATA’, true );
So the data is still in my original multisite.
Is there a way of removing the data after I have already removed the mulsitite /cart/ that it was installed in?
]]>Ive been having many issues with the Yoast seo plugin. A few examples:
When the plugin is activated the site health page does not load (without plugin it works). The yoast sitemap is 404, i have followed some instructions i found that tell me to update the permalink structure. It works and then it becomes 404 again after a bit. I am trying to remove all data for the yoast seo plugin from the database. I have tried deleting the yoast plugin but when i re install it all the data is still there. I would like to re install it as if it is the first time installing it and not have the data that i have entered (for example the metatags and any other data the yoast seo plugin has).
Any help is appreciated,
Thanks in advance.
The plugin started to bug a bit so i removed it and installed WPDA again. The old deleted tables fromn a previous install is still in the database but a new created table is not… I deleted all data, tables, forms in the plugin.
Is there a way to clean the WP database from all entrys made by your plugin so i can install it again and start all over?
Best regards
the issues im facing can be seen here:
this issue started when I tried to add a checkbox. I’ve since removed this field but i now get the error every time, regardless of if the field is present or not. As soon as I add a checkbox, value filed or radio field the error reappears.
]]>In screenshot i mark what i would like to remove completly,
Somebody can help me?
Simply i don’t want to be visible on my post page: post date, category of post, number off comments (anyway they are turned off), and author of post.
I had been adding random thumbs up and down and then at one point I deleted all the metadata to “start over”.
The strangest thing is though that although the thumb counts are all back to zero, I still get the message that “you already voted” on these posts/pages.
What can I do to completely “reset” the plugin?
As a bonus quiestion, I would like to know if it is in any way possible to add a rating next to the post date, comment etc? Not a voting option, but the possibility for me to rate each post when I write them.
Thanks in advance
]]>However, ever since then Google Web master Tools keeps telling me that I have the calendar running on my website by producing the following URL errors not found. The following is an example of the many I keep receiving.
I get so many of them that every so ofter Google sends me a warning message to my e-mail account.
Can someone point to the right direction on how to permanently remove the plugin left over entries.
This is what I have done so far:
1)Uninstalled the plugin through the normal process.
2)FTP to the server and made sure there were no more files left in the plugin directory.
3)Delete any and all cache files from my cache plugins and in my server directory if found.
4}Check all entries in my database through phpMyAdmin.
So what else can I do.
Kind regards