I tried using the blog url and the wordpress address url ( https://www.earth01.net/Rambling/WPfiles) followed by /xmlrpc.php .
I have confirmed that that file is in the WPfiles folder.
I can post normally, but have been unable to connect MSWord or LiveWriter.
Suggestions? iPage tried to help, but so far without success!
]]>While WPFC was active I tried to post to my WordPress site using MS Word. At first I got a weird error message about not having enough “space” for the image in the post. I removed the image, and then got a generic message that said I could not post to the site.
I deactivated WPFC and tried again, this time with the image. Everything posted fine.
So, what is it in WPFC that would account for this? I reviewed all of the options, and nothing jumped out at me (I basically have all the standard boxes checked).
Thanks for any answers.
]]>And is it possible to post to a free wordpress blog remotely? i will be needing a program(php script i am planning to code myself) if it is possible to post via code to free wordpress blog.
I know that Free wordpress blog doesn’t allow access to database to work with. Is there any API/service/platform for remote posting/management of free wordpress blog?
]]>I am trying to connect Windows Live Writer to my wordpress blog, however each time I try I receive the following Error:
“Can’t Connect to your Blog Service:
Server Error – The Server reported an error with the following address:http:www.deonvsearth.com/xmlrpc.php
406 Not Acceptable
Please try fixing the problem and trying again”
I will appreciate any help or insight you guys can provide.
]]>So I am trying to use xmlrpc within wordpress and kept getting malformed xmlrpc message. After a few tries, I guess the automatic xmlrpc.php protection kicked in and now I’m getting a message ‘Sorry, you are not allowed to post on this site.’
The site I’m posting FROM is a self-hosted wp site
The site I’m posting TO is https://factorstreetpaper.wordpress.com/
Question #1: How do I regain my ability to post to the wordpress.com xmlrpc.php?
Question #2: What the heck is wrong with the code below that it thinks my request is incorrect?
$client = new WP_HTTP_IXR_CLIENT("https://factorstreetpaper.wordpress.com/ );
$bSuccess = $client->query( 'wp.newPost',
'post_status' => 'draft',
'post_type' =>'post',
'post_title' => "Karen test",
'post_content' => "test post"
print "Error msg from XMLRPC =". $client->error->message."<br />";
]]>I looked into the code and it appears that it strips off the http or https so I’m not getting why I can’t connect to the xmlrpc.php and get a 301 error.
I’ve tried with several xml-rpc libraries including the WordPress class-xmlrpc.php to no avail. They all give 301 error (had to do a little code modification to find out what was really going on.)
If I directly access https://Orlandolunes.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php in a browser, it gives the proper message: “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.”
I also tried giving it port 443 instead of 80.
$client = new IXR_Client(https://Orlandolunes.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php);
$content['title'] = "Karen Testing";
$content['description'] = "test post";
if (!$client->query('metaWeblog.newPost',443, $sUsername,$sPassword, $content, false))
die( 'Error while creating a new post' . $client->getErrorCode() ." : ". $client->getErrorMessage());
$ID = $client->getResponse();
]]>Does anyone have experiences alleviating these problems?
]]>I think the site name is correct (do I need .com in there??)
but it wants something in the wp-path area and I can’t find any answers as to what I should put in there.
I have a WP.org blog hosted by 1&1.
Thanks for your help!
Is there any way to create subcategory via xml rpc ?