I’m having trouble accessing url https: // my-site / wp-admin /
I bought a new theme, and it has been 2 weeks since Remote Theme Support has been able to access the website URL or the wp-admin panel.
Message below theme support returning for the tenth time asking for access:
Okay, let’s install our “KartPul” theme in the store.
But the main problem is that we were unable to access your store URL, https://meusite.net.br/, https://meusite.net.br/wp-admin/
We still have the same error, this site cannot be accessed “.
Send us any other temporary server / hosting details for the theme installation process. We were unable to install the theme on this server, https://meusite.net.br/
Does anyone have any suggestions to resolve this?
Thank you
add_filter( 'wpcf7_remote_ip_addr', 'wpcf7_anonymize_ip_addr' );
Could it be the position of the code in my functions file? Do I need to set a priority parameter with the function?
]]>Is there a way to use the REAL IP?
]]>Is there a way to fix it, to show the real IP for each?
]]>I have a question. I need to use contact form 7 special mail tags. Because I m using Google sheet addon. So ? need this solution. Example special mail tag
Please answer me.
Thank you.
]]>The hosting company asked me to add the following to my wp-config.php file and it fixes the problem only if I disable Varnish cache.
if ( isset( $_SERVER[ "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" ] ) ) {
Once I enable Varnish with the above code in wp-config.php, I get nothing for _remote_ip (without above code, I get
Disabling Varnish is not a good option so I’m looking for another solution.
Additional info that might be relevant:
Any ideas for getting _remote_ip to report the proper IP address?
]]>I imagine that we can create a custom rule via the .htninja file but I’m not sure what to put in there.
Your help is most appreciated.