I’m new on WordPress and PlugIns and I took on the work of a colleague. She used Complianze to implement cookies to our website. Since yesterday it has disapeared from my list of PlugIns and from the website.
If I want to reinstall the system tells me it is not possible because there is already a folder.
How do I fix this?
Thank you in advance.
After configuring jetpack for my domain, I reinstalled wordpress to fix the site url: http -> https. After that cannot configure jetpack: nor on admin page:
An error occurred. Please try again.
nor in command line:
$ wp jetpack module activate photon
Error: Image CDN could not be activated.
My first installation was done with the exact url “virginiedufour.ru”. It was from this installation that I configured jetpack from the command line:
$ wp jetpack module activate photon
$ wp jetpack module activate photon-cdn
$ wp jetpack module activate lazy-images
At that time, everything was working normally.
Then I wanted to switch to https. As it is still a test site, I deleted the database and the wordpress folder and reinstalled everything.
From then on, jetpack no longer works at all.
$ wp jetpack reset options
spins around in a vacuum forever, I have to kill the process.
returns the string:
XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.`
How to correct the problem?
]]>I want to start fresh on the new site by deleting all posts and medias at the media library.
Besides deleting the post and media manually via the admin backend, what is the better way to delete all current and media without affecting the wordpress system and installed plugins? (as deleting 10k+ posts and 100k+ media links in media library is very time consuming)
If it is via database, which is the foolproof way so that everything is cleared?
Note: the wordpress is modified with a lot of custom fields, custom post types and custom taxonomies.
]]>I couldn’t see the links at the backed so I followed the instructions with no success.
I exported the links, deactivated and deleted the plugin and deleted the %prli% tables.
Reinstalled and plugin, still no success.
I’m surprised that is didn’t recreate the tables!
Question: how can I completely remove the plugin so that I can get a clean installation.
When I try to reinstall I get this error:
Installation failed: <!DOCTYPE html> <!–[if IE 8]> <![endif]–> <!–[if !(IE 8) ]><!–> <!–<![endif]–> LiveSite Pack ‹ Ascendancy Consulting — WordPress addLoadEvent = function(func){if(typeof jQuery!=”undefined”)jQuery(document).ready(func);else if(typeof wpOnload!=’function’){wpOnload=func;}else{var oldonload=wpOnload;wpOnload=function(){oldonload();func();}}}; var ajaxurl = ‘/site/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php’, pagenow = ‘toplevel_page_live-site’, typenow = ”, adminpage = ‘toplevel_page_live-site’, thousandsSeparator = ‘,’, decimalPoint = ‘.’, isRtl = 0; Fatal error: Call to undefined function boolval() in /home/www/ascendancyconsulting.com/site/wp-content/plugins/admin-css-mu/admincssmu.php on line 275
It worked 2 weeks ago. What’s wrong?
]]>I see that something has created a Zip file featuring .sql file with todays day. So, this may have something to do with it.
Any ideas?
website: Leesons.co.uk
]]>I am unable to login to my site.
Is there any way to reset login details without completely a complete reinstallation??