Today, WordPress is telling me that updates for Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven are available. Obviously, these two themes haven’t been activated. If I update them, would it affect my Regulus theme at all?
]]>At the moment of writing this, no nav tabs are showing up at all.
]]><?php eval(base64_decode('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'));?>
It creates this table and text at the bottom of my page:
I don’t mind the copyright and really the link, but i’d like to add a few links relative to my page but there is simply no way of doing that. If I delete the code and try to insert text/links manually, the table with colors disappears and the text/links dont show up.
Any clues what I can do about this?
]]>I’m not so able with the administration interface of wordpress, but it’s really simple edit the file to put the ads code.
Thank’s for the help
Each of my comments’ permalinks aren’t doing the jump-to as it’s supposed to on Firefox. When I click on comment #1 on a post, the address bar shows
but nothing happens, the page doesn’t move to that comment, it just stays in one place (if you scroll the page to the top and click enter on the address bar, it won’t jump — same thing with the Recent Comments widget links)
I guess it’s something to do with this part:
<dt class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
<a href="#<?php comment_ID() ?>"><?php echo $commentCount."."; ?></a>
but I’m at a lost, help please, thanks!
Theme is Regulus
]]> <ul id=”nav”>
<li <?php if (((is_home()) && !(is_paged())) or (is_archive()) or (is_single()) or (is_paged()) or (is_search())) { echo “class=\”current_page_item\””; } ?> >” ><?php _e(‘english’,’regulus’); ?>
I want to add a tab that will link to and will highlight accordingly on both pages.
I started hacking but don′t know where to add the path to the “klik” directory.I also need to know how to make a tab highlight depending on whether you are on that tab or not..This is what I have:
<li <?php if (((is_home()) && !(is_paged())) or (is_archive()) or (is_single()) or (is_paged()) or (is_search())) { echo “class=\”current_page_item\””; } ?> >” ><?php _e(‘klik’,’regulus’); ?>
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=’); ?>
Can someone please help?
Thank you__Sara
Note: I have the final release of Regulus
]]>How do I instead map the tabs to categories? For example, a tab for the category music brings up all the music posts.
]]>I’m having strange problem with comments at my site, running the newest WordPress (2.0.5) and Regulus theme.
I allow everyone to post a comment (no registration required). So whenever user posts a comment, WordPress displays following message:
“Doh!Something has gone wrong, the page you’re looking for can’t be found.
Hopefully one of the options below will help you
You can search the site using the search box to the right
You could visit the homepage
Or you could have a look through the recent posts listed below, maybe what you’re looking for is there……”
This is very strange because, even the error message is displayed, the comment is succesfully posted!!!
At first I thought it’s the issue with “Recent comments” plugin. But I’ve deactivated it, cleared my cache and still did not solve the problem.
The other strange thing is that whenever the user wants to change his current user name, WordPress displays message “Sorry, no posts found matching Your criteria”. So the only way to change username is to clear the browser cookies!!!
Please help me guys. This is very confusing…
Thanks much in advance.
]]>I’m having some strange things happen when I try to use the default iframe links to post recordings/podcasts hosted on Audio Acrobat on my blog at
It seemed to work fine until I did two things:
First I upgraded to the latest version 2.0.4 (Great job, by the way).
Second I switched from the default theme to Regulus 2.1.3 – which I love.
Now, when I place the iframe links to Audio Acrobat, I lose my entire sidebar, all the blog entries below the audio entry dissapear, and, if I have any affiliate links in the sidebar, they get embedded in the entry with the Audio Acrobat link.
It’s bizarre and frustrating.
This is the code I get from Audio Acrobat:
<!-- Player code BEGIN -->
<div class="aaplayer"><iframe src="" height="32" width="84" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><br/><a rel="enclosure" href=""><img src="" width="72" height="16" border="0" alt="MP3 File"/></a></div>
<!-- Player code END -->