I need to find and delete several thousand timestamps in a few dozen blog posts. The timestamps all look like this: (00:00)
. But of course, the actual numbers vary.
Is the Search and Replace for Block Editor plugin a suitable tool for this job? I tried running it with Match Case/Expression enabled and the following string:
But no luck. I also want the search to be interactive, so I have a chance to review changes before I make them. (That will be a long, boring job, but it will help me avoid mistakes.)
What’s the best way to get this job done? Will Search and Replace for Block Editor work for this purpose?
]]>My site has the following URL structure for custom post type “Especialidades”:
I have enabled Page Cache option in the General Settings and set the following regex rules in the textarea of “Never cache the following pages” in Page Cache page option:
At first, it works. After cleared the cache, I have tested many times in the anonymous tab, but after a while, the page that not must be cached get cached.
]]>I inadvertently sent out an email with an incorrect link as a CTA.
I am trying to add a Regex redirect that detects a param/value pair in the URL and redirects only if it sees that. If someone goes to the page without the param/value pair, they should simply stay on that page.
Our email hyperlinks inks contain “utm_campaign=Wente%20Events”
Normal URL: https://wentevineyards.com/journal/events/petty-theft
Email URL: https://wentevineyards.com/journal/events/petty-theft?utm_campaign=Wente%20Events (and more param/value pairs after that)
Regex101.com says this matches the email URL but not Normal URL (that is what we want)
But it isn’t working. Help!!!
]]>All video’s I have seen sofar just refer to basic examples like being able to access singular pages/categories/posts/.. but not directories or regular expression afaik. Does anybody know?
eg redirect from
now only ends up at
Just wonder if the plugin supports regular expression? Thanks
]]>I write / my-account / in the exclusion list but when saving, the expression is modified by \/my-account\/ automatically.
It’s correct like this? Will cache exclusion work? If not, how should I write the exclusion correctly?