Your plugin is really great.
I just would like to limit my directory to one country and one region and so to avoid to edit them for each new element of my directory.
thank you.
]]>As an admin user, when editing a users resume from the dashboard, I want to be able to update the region from the sidebar list but I am only seeing part of the list and even if I do a search on known regions it does not find them.
Is there a way to increase the size of what is shown to the admin user when editing a resume?
I need to change the tabindex from the class n2-section-smartslider fitvidsignore n2_clear because of government accessibility regulations.
They write, that a tabindex isn’t needed.
Furthermore, they say the element div with the role=”region” should be exchanged with the element section.
I hope you can help me.
Best regards,
I’m using the free core along with the paid GeoDirectory Location Manager (althopugh problem exists in free version also), when I add a place, most fields are in German as is my installation. But the Region / State is called Northrhine Westfalia instead of the german Name Nordrhein Westfalen.
Plus the adress is stated ‘house number street’ (like ’10 Downing Street’), but should be ‘street housenumber’ like ‘Downingstreet 10’ . Any chance it could be shown in german, do I have to change options anywhere, add/ or edit something or is it an OpenStreetMap issue outside of GeoDirectory?
Please assist.
]]>1- Possible to set a default radius i.e. 5? I note that a search for the exact zipcode of my one test entry fails, but succeeds if I select any radius.
2- Many of the contractors provide services in multiple states – not with physical addresses in most cases. There are work crews of painters for example who may cover 3 states or 20 states or all of USA. I guess I could create a dropdown using the region url for each state i.e. but wanted to know if there was some way to do something with meta tags or some other way for me to add something like ‘Areas Serviced’ for each entry and just add them i.e. AZ,CA,TX,UT so that the single entry would appear on any of those state searches.
Thank you very much for this plugin by the way. We purchased all of them after looking at some of the sites using them and reading the reviews.
]]>S3-Compatible (Generic) settings test result: Failure: We successfully accessed the bucket, but the attempt to create a file in it failed. Please check your access credentials. (UpdraftPlus_S3::putObject(): [AuthorizationHeaderMalformed] The authorization header is malformed; the region is wrong; expecting 'us-east-dtndurham'.)
Is there a way in UpdraftPlus for me to be able to set the desired region for an S3-Compatible server? Thanks!